Always Been Yours

Chapter 393

Chapter 393

Chapter 393

Chapter 393 Warm Night

Timothy was quiet for a while, then he smiled. “I’m not sure about the details either. Maybe he had a better choice.”

“There won’t be any tech companies in Southend with a better future than yours.” He wasn’t being polite. It was a genuine praise.

Timothy smiled. He didn’t want to talk about it anymore, so he changed the topic. “Nick, have you called my sister? She told me she’s going to Filisburg for a performance soon.”

Nicholas looked at Timothy, but he didn’t expose his trick. He sipped some wine and answered, “She told me before, but it’s not certain yet.”

Gregory had no idea what they were talking about earlier, but he did hear them talk about Tessa and her performance. His eyes shone brightly, and he asked, “Daddy, is Miss Tessa going to perform again? Can we watch?”

Nicholas noticed the anticipation in his eyes, and he didn’t refuse it. “Be a good boy, and I might consider.”

“I will be a good boy. For Miss Tessa.” Gregory promised like a man, and the serious look on his chubby face melted everyone’s hearts.

The men looked at him and smiled.

After they had dinner, Gregory hung out with Timothy to learn more about computers, and Timothy agreed to teach him. They sat on the couch in the living room and started the process. Computers were what they started out with, but eventually, they started to talk about Tessa.

“Mr. Timothy, I miss Miss Tessa. Can we call her?” He blinked and stared at Timothy cutely.

Timothy could never say no to that. He looked at the time, and it was already eight. Tessa should be up and about now in Vienna. He agreed to make the call.

When the call went through, Tessa noticed that Timothy and Gregory were on the screen together, much to her surprise. “Timothy? Why are you with Greg? Are you at Dynasty Gardens?”

“Nick asked me over for dinner,” Timothy answered honestly.

Tessa was touched. She knew Nicholas was an aloof man, but he still asked Timothy over for dinner anyway. She knew he must be taking care of Timothy because she wasn’t around.

Gregory called out to her cutely, and she smiled. They talked happily, and the living room was filled with warm laughter. When it was finally night, Timothy left Dynasty Gardens.

When Nicholas came to the company the next morning, Edward followed behind him and reported work to him. “Sir, that’s all of it. I’ll be leaving now if there’s nothing else.” He kept away his tablet and was about to leave, but Nicholas stopped him.

“Hold it. Look into Jeremiah’s company’s new project. I want to know who got the deal.”

Edward thought that was weird, but he did as he was told anyway. He came back a while later and answered, “Sir, Jeremiah signed the deal with Hayley. They’re friends, and she signed the contract herself.”

Nicholas frowned.

Edward was surprised. “The Stones are going into the tech field?”

He got no answer for that question.

Just then, Nicholas’ secretary knocked on the door, and he said, “Sir, Miss Stone is here. Do you want to see her?”

Nicholas gave it some thought, and he answered coldly, “Let her in.”

Oh no. Something’s gonna happen. Edward left right away.

Hayley came in a few moments later. She was wearing a blue V-neck dress paired with a pair of silver stilettos that was 4 inches tall. She walked in elegantly, and the scent of her perfume spread across the office.

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