Always Been Yours

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

Chapter 430 Buying Time

Duane was unfazed. Because he was too overjoyed, he had forgotten that there was a time difference of several hours between them.

“Sorry, I forgot about our time difference, but I called you because what I promised you before has now been done.”

Saying that, he pointed his phone camera at Tessa lying unconscious on the ground.

When Hayley saw this, her expression of displeasure eased.

At this moment, he turned the camera back to himself again and asked, “Are you really planning to let people assault her?”

“Do you think I’m joking?” She glared at him coldly.

“Just pretend I didn’t say anything earlier.” Duane looked at Hayley with a smile and quickly changed the topic. “In that case, is three people enough? My men are strong, so I’m scared she might die if I add any more.”

“Fine.” Hayley didn’t want to kill anyone either. After nodding in agreement, she suggested, “You better remember to record it.”

She planned to show Nicholas the video when the time came so that he would know how impure Tessa was.

Naturally, Duane listened to Hayley’s words. After hanging up the phone, he asked his subordinates to look for some recording equipment and point them at Tessa.

“You, you, and you. I’ll hand this woman to you. Take care of her well.”

When everything was ready, Duane called out three of his muscular men before he turned around and left with the others. The three men who had been called were elated as they hadn’t expected to be able to reap a benefit like this. Just as they were about to begin, Tessa, who had been unconscious, woke up with a groan.

“Why is she awake?” the three men asked dubiously.

At the noise, Tessa looked up in shock as the scene before she fell unconscious played back in her mind. It was clear that she had been kidnapped. At that thought, fear appeared in her eyes, but she kept forcing herself to calm down.

The unkind voices of the men sounded in her ears. “It’s even better that she’s awake. We can have more fun.”

When she heard this, Tessa’s face paled immediately. Her eyes widened, and her whole body began to tremble involuntarily. Although she didn’t know who kidnapped her, from the conversations of the kidnappers, she knew that they were planning to humiliate her! No, this won’t do. I can’t sit still like this. I have to do something.

“Although I don’t know who hired you to kidnap me, I can pay you twice the price.” She took a deep breath, resisted the panic in her heart, and tried to negotiate with the three kidnappers. Even if she couldn’t save herself, she had to delay things as much as she could. Suddenly, she was glad that she sent a message to Nicholas when she entered the elevator. She believed that he would definitely notice something wrong if she didn’t show up after a long time.

The kidnappers didn’t know what Tessa was thinking, but were surprised by her courage and calmness as they didn’t expect her to take the initiative to negotiate with them. They shared a glance, suddenly

unsure whether to continue or inform their boss.

On the other hand, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that they were not moving. After a brief thought, she increased her offer and continued, “If you think twice the money is still not enough, you can name a price, as much as you want. I promise that as long as you let me go, I won’t call the police and I’ll treat it as if it never happened.”

Of course, her offer was really attractive. The kidnappers were shaken for an instant, but those thoughts were quickly dispelled, because they were afraid that they wouldn’t get to live to spend the money. After working under Duane for many years, they knew very well that their master’s methods were not comparable to an ordinary person. If they disobeyed his orders, they would be the ones getting the short end of the stick.

“Even though your offer is very enticing, it’s a pity that we are just acting on orders, so don’t waste your energy.”

Saying that, the kidnappers once again approached her with bad intentions.

Tessa thoroughly panicked. They don’t even want more money!

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