Always Been Yours

Chapter 434

Chapter 434

Chapter 434

Chapter 434 Miss Tessa Is Sick

At those words, Nicholas recalled the scene he saw in the warehouse last night, and his anger skyrocketed.

“How dare they have the audacity to lay their hands on my people.” He gritted his teeth and said in a bloodthirsty tone, “In that case, destroy them. Go and find out where the base of this Black Wolves Mercenary Group is. I don’t want to see them again.”

“Don’t worry, boss. I’ve already sent someone to investigate.”

Austin knew Nicholas’ temper very well. After the young lady had suffered such a humiliating experience, his boss would definitely want to avenge her, so he’d made the arrangements in advance.

Nicholas was very satisfied with this. He nodded and said, “You’ve worked hard the entire night. Go back and get some rest.”

Heeding his orders, Austin turned around and left.

In the villa, Gregory got up and washed himself up as usual before he went to look for Tessa. He didn’t even know that she and his father hadn’t come back all night.

“Miss Tessa, Daddy, time to get up.” He knocked on the door and called out in a cute voice, only to find that neither of them were in the room. Then, he scuttled toward the dining room, thinking that they had already gotten up. However, when he reached, there was still no sight of them.

Just then, Edward walked out of the kitchen with breakfast and saw Gregory. He greeted him, saying, “Oh, you’re up, Young Master Gregory. I’ve just finished making breakfast. Come on over and eat.”

As Nicholas couldn’t make it home last night, he’d asked Edward to come over and help take care of his child.

Gregory blinked and asked dubiously, “Mr. Edward, where’s Daddy and Miss Tessa?”

“President Sawyer and Miss Reinhart didn’t come back last night, so I’m not sure either.”

In fact, Edward was lying to Gregory. He knew about Tessa’s issue, but didn’t tell Gregory for the time being as per the president’s instructions in order not to let the child worry. However, Gregory didn’t know this, and after listening to Edward’s words, he turned huffily and ran toward the living room as if he had suddenly thought of something.

“Young Master Gregory, where are you going? Aren’t you gonna eat breakfast?” Edward hurriedly chased after him.

Gregory ignored him and headed straight to the landline phone in the living room, then started dialing the phone.

Within a few seconds, Nicholas’ cold voice came from the other end. “What’s the matter?”

“Bad Daddy, why didn’t you and Miss Tessa come back all night? Did you secretly take her somewhere to play without me again?”

As he listened to Gregory’s complaints, a trace of helplessness appeared in Nicholas’ eyes. He explained, “I didn’t take her to play. She wasn’t feeling well, so I brought her to the hospital for a checkup.”

“Miss Tessa is sick?” All at once, there was worry in Gregory’s tone, and his attention shifted to Tessa; he completely forgot his original purpose of calling. After hanging up the phone, he forwent breakfast and urged Edward to take him to the hospital.

At the same time, Tessa had just woken up in the ward. Nicholas carefully helped her sit up and asked in concern, “Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?”

“I’m fine.” Looking at Nicholas’ nervous expression, she felt her heart warming.

After a while, not long after they had finished eating breakfast, Gregory arrived.

“Miss Tessa, why are you sick?” He broke away from Edward’s grasp and scurried to the bed with his short legs, looking at Tessa worriedly.

She was taken aback, but after glancing at Nicholas, she deduced that he must’ve come up with this excuse. The corners of her mouth raised slightly as she replied in a soft voice, “I might’ve gotten too busy practicing lately, so I got exhausted and collapsed all of a sudden.”

Hearing this, Gregory immediately puffed his chubby cheeks and began to nag like a little adult. “Miss Tessa, that’s not good. You always told me to work hard and rest well, but why wouldn’t you know that yourself? Do you know that I’ll be really worried if you get sick? Next time, I won’t allow you to get too tired from practicing. I’ll be watching you, and Daddy will also be watching you with me.”

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