Always Been Yours

Chapter 450

Chapter 450

Chapter 450

Chapter 450 Examination Result (2)

“However…” Ashton added abruptly as his eyes narrowed with a touch of dread inside them. He then gestured a look at Nicholas. Nicholas was stunned as his heart tightened once more. Hayley, on the other hand, did not notice the look the doctor gave Nicholas. Nevertheless, she was once again shaken up by what Ashton said. Unsettled, she asked, “However, what? Is there something wrong with Old Master Sawyer?” “It is unrelated to Old Master Sawyer. It’s only a personal matter of mine,” Ashton replied before turning his attention back to Nicholas with a twinkle in his eyes. “I’ll take my leave here. Give me a call if anything happens again.” Nicholas nodded. Relief washed over Hayley as she watched Ashton leave the area. Ashton Sloan isn’t all that great after all. Why was I even worried to begin with? Thinking that, she turned to the handsome beside her before feigning virtue in comforting the man. “Since Doctor Sloan has said that it’s not serious, Old Master Sawyer will definitely get better as long as he recuperates properly.

Don’t worry too much about it.” Yet, Nicholas only gave her an indifferent glance as a reply before leaving her side. Hayley’s smile stiffened with both her hands clenched tightly into fists. Furious, she turned toward Nicholas’ back and watched him leave with fury in her eyes. Why? Why?! Why won’t you look my way? Is nothing I do or say enough for you? Even though I am the person right beside you at this moment! Am I really that inferior to that woman?! … Back in the ward, Nicholas’ family asked him about Remus’ examination result the moment Nicholas came back. “Grandpa’s fine. His heart condition is on the milder side. Just make sure that he doesn’t get agitated and has proper rest.” Everyone sighed in relief after hearing Nicholas repeat what Ashton told him. “I’m glad he’s okay.” Stefania smiled. Nicholas glanced around the room before looking at Kieran. “Look after Grandpa for me. I still have something to do back at the company.” “No problem.” Kieran nodded in reply. Nicholas then left them in the ward without looking back. Unexpectedly, just when he left the ward, Hayley had just come over. She had composed herself before coming over, which was why she was late. She was about to say something to the leaving Nicholas, but he walked past her without so much as a glance at her. At

this, her anger that she’d tried hard to suppress rose once more. Naturally, Nicholas remained unaware. Just as Nicholas left the hospital, he found Edward had parked his car by the roadside. He entered his car and was not surprised to see Ashton already inside. With the car on the road, Nicholas asked, “What were you trying to say just now?” Ashton glanced at him before fully disclosing his findings. “I’m afraid the reason for Old Master Sawyer’s heart failure is man-made. Someone gave him something that he shouldn’t have eaten.”

When Nicholas heard that, his expression turned dark as suspicion filled his mind. With a frown, he asked, “There’s always a physician and a specialized nutritionist overseeing Grandpa’s diet. Wouldn’t they be able to notice if he ate something he shouldn’t have?” “With how advanced technology is nowadays, there are many things that are able to trigger a heart failure, including those that are virtually undetectable. My advice is to investigate this matter, specifically going to the Sawyer Residence and checking if there are any problems with the food.” Ashton voiced his opinion. Nicholas —who was wearing a darkened and frightening expression right now—agreed with Ashton as he ordered, “Edward, to the Sawyer Residence!” After all, Ashton had absolute authority in this matter. 10 minutes later, the black Rolls-Royce came to a stop at the entrance of the Sawyer Residence. Ian welcomed them as soon as he heard of their arrival and respectfully greeted the two. “Master Nicholas, Doctor Sloan.” Nicholas nodded in reply before leading Ashton into the living room. Seconds later, the maids came to serve them tea.

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