Always Been Yours

Chapter 470

Chapter 470

Chapter 470

Chapter 470

Ian felt a little upset when he listened to Remus’ low and hoarse voice. It’s been a long while since I last saw Sir feeling this down.

Just when Ian wanted to say something to comfort him, Remus’ voice rang in his ears again.

“She was also right about one thing, though. I had never considered Nicholas’ thoughts. I even drove him away before and my relationship with Nicholas is extremely strained now,” Remus said as he thought about the things that took place these days. Although Nicholas did come to see me, it was more like a daily routine. Moreover, the content of our conversation seemed to revolve around nothing else but the company affairs.

When Ian saw this, he sighed and advised Remus, “Sir, as I have said, you don’t have to worry about Master Nicholas and should instead trust in him. Moreover, since you’ve retired, you shouldn’t bother with other affairs aside from enjoying your life from now on.”

Remus fell silent when he heard Ian’s advice. He neither agreed nor refuted, which made people wonder what he truly thought about the matter.

Meanwhile, Tessa received a call from Nicholas not long after she left the hospital.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m shopping for my members of the orchestra band at the street market.”

It was a white lie she told as she didn’t want Nicholas to know about her meeting with Remus to prevent him from needlessly worrying about her.

I chose to run away because I was not with Nicholas before, but now that we’re together, I don’t want to be separated from him. So, I intend to face this with Nicholas.

However, little did Tessa know that her every move of hers was being watched by Nicholas. His handsome face was full of gentleness that could not be hidden as he looked at the girl not far away.

It turned out that after she arrived at the hospital, he immediately received news about it from the bodyguard and rushed over in a hurry. This chapter is provided by Visit for daily update. When Tessa and Remus had their conversation, Nicholas stood outside the ward and listened to every word in their discussion.

He was pretty satisfied with what she had said in the ward.

At least my girl won’t run away anymore.

As he thought of this, he really wanted to rush forward and hold Tessa in his arms. However, he restrained the urge to do so.

Gathering from her words earlier, I have a feeling that she doesn’t want me to know about this matter.

Meanwhile, Tessa did not know these things at all.

She hung up the phone after they exchanged a few words. Then, she took a cab back to Silverscape Theater.

When the orchestra rehearsal ended in the evening, Nicholas drove to the theater to pick her up.

After getting in the car, Tessa realized that the car wasn’t heading back to Dynasty Gardens.

Tessa felt that it was strange, so she turned her head and asked, “Where are we going?”

“You’ll know in a while.” He gave her a mysterious look and then drove seriously.

She blinked and only felt that this scene seemed familiar. It’s very much like an early sign of Nicholas preparing a surprise for me like before.

At that moment, she could not help but look forward to the evening.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped under the famous Morgan Tower in Southend.

Nicholas held her hand and led her to the Sky Garden Restaurant located on the top floor of Morgan Tower.

When they entered the restaurant, Tessa discovered that there were no other customers around. Hence, she could not help but ask, “Did you reserve the entire restaurant?”

He only replied to Tessa’s question with a smile and his silence meant everything.

Despite feeling it was a little extravagant, she did not say anything. It’s Nicholas’ surprise for me after all.

Shortly after, they were led to the best seats in the restaurant under the guidance of the server. In this particular location, not only could they overlook the nightscape of the entire Southend, but they could also enjoy the restaurant’s exquisite garden.

As Tessa looked at the city shrouded in colorful neon lights, she couldn’t help but feel awed at the scenery. “I never knew the nightscape of Southend was this mesmerizing.”

“If you like it, I’ll bring you here often in the future.” Nicholas looked at her tenderly with affection for her.

Her cheeks slightly crimsoned under his affectionate looks. Then, she coughed lightly to hide her shyness. “We can come often, but don’t make it so extravagant every time.”

“Okay, we’ll do it your way.”

As she heard the doting tone in his voice, her cheeks heated even more.

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