Always Been Yours

Chapter 472

Chapter 472

Chapter 472

Chapter 472 Where Is Kathleen?

Tessa looked up at Timothy with displeasure. If Tim takes care of his legs and regularly soaks them in the medicinal bath, it’s impossible for him to have a relapse.

Timothy hesitantly spoke when he sensed her disapproval, “Since I started establishing the company, I have been busy. Sometimes, I just can’t make myself get up after doing overtime.”

“Who told you to be such a busy bee? I know the growth of your company is important. But didn’t I tell you that your health is more important than your company?!”

At that moment, Tessa was furious. However, she felt distressed underlying her fury as she knew why Timothy was working himself to the bone. Tim is working this hard to provide us with a better life.

Tessa couldn’t help the tears welling up in her eyes when she thought about that. Then, she said with a choked voice, “You promised me that you would take good care of yourself.”

As Timothy listened to the sorrowful tone in her voice, he felt his heart clenched tightly. Thus, he quickly admitted his mistake and assured her by saying, “Don’t cry, Tess. I’ll take good care of myself in the future.”

He felt panicked as he immediately helped Tessa wipe her tears.

Tessa glared at him, took a deep breath, and calmed down. Then, she remembered that he had never done acupuncture since she left. Hence, she went downstairs to get her acupuncture kit and gave him an acupuncture treatment.

During that period, Nicholas came over. However, he only stood by the door and watched the siblings speak softly. Then, instead of stepping forward to interrupt them, he left quietly.

That was because he knew that Tessa and Timothy must have a lot of things to say to each other.

That night, Tessa did not return to the master bedroom until the middle of the night. After she entered the room, she found that Nicholas was still waiting for her.

Under the silver-white light, the man sat quietly and leaned against the headboard while holding a book in his hand. He had already washed up and was wearing a navy blue night robe. The robe belt was loose, revealing a large section of his masculine and sexy chest. He did not meticulously comb his jet- black hair; instead, it slightly covered his forehead messily.

Nicholas immediately looked up from his book when he heard the sound of footsteps. As soon as he saw Tessa entering, his cold facial features softened.

“I filled the tub for you. Hurry and go take your bath.”

Tessa felt a warm sensation lingering in her heart when she heard that. She nodded and went into the bathroom while taking a set of clothes with her.

After her bath, Tessa crawled into bed, and he quickly followed suit after he left the bedside lamp on. Then, he naturally took her into his arms, kissed her forehead, and said warmly, “Let’s sleep.”

Tessa nodded her head and leaned against Nicholas’ chest. Then, with the corners of her lips curled up into a sweet smile, she closed her eyes and fell asleep, feeling safe and warm in his embrace.

The bright white moonlight shone in from the window, and the scene whereby the two slept in each other’s arms was extremely lovely.

The following day, Tessa accompanied Gregory for breakfast. After that, she rushed to Silverscape Theater. However, she did not expect to hear Hathaway’s angry voice as soon as she entered

backstage. “She’s not a little girl! How can you guys not notice if she shows up or not?”

Hathaway reprimanded the surrounding members of the orchestra as she stood in the middle of the backstage. Everyone was silent, and some people even showed grievances on their faces.

Tessa quietly approached a member and asked, “What happened?”

The member was startled by the sudden voice in his ears. After seeing that it was Tessa, he breathed a sigh of relief and told her the whole story.

“It’s Kathleen. We don’t know where she’d gone. Miss Hathaway asked us to rehearse, but she’s the only one absent. After asking the others, no one knew her whereabouts. We also couldn’t reach her. Plus, we’re abroad. Miss Hathaway worried that something happened to her, so she got angry.”

Tessa frowned when she heard this, and she felt that Kathleen was behaving more and more outrageous. The day for the band to perform is just around the corner, yet she doesn’t rehearse conscientiously. And now, she has even gone missing.

Just as Tessa was ranting in her heart, Hathaway’s voice rang in her ears. “Tessa, I’m quite busy here, so I can’t leave. Since you’re the only one who’s free here, go back and check if Kathleen is still in the hotel room for me.”

Hence, Tessa had no choice but to take a taxi and head back to the hotel where the orchestra members were staying. It was just that she did not go to Kathleen’s room right from the start. Instead, she went straight to look for the hotel manager.

“I’m sorry for the inconvenience. However, we couldn’t find and reach a member of our orchestra band, so I wish to check the surveillance videos to see if she had gone out.”

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