Always Been Yours

Chapter 537

Chapter 537

Chapter 537

Chapter 537

“If that’s the ease, then maybe Kathleen’s not that bad of a person,” someone commented.

“Yeah. I was worried that Kathleen would continue attacking Tessa, but I guess my worries were for nothing,” another member said. Hathaway’s smile grew wider when she heard the member’s comments. She quickly stepped forward to speak up. “Tessa, Kathleen has been reflecting on her actions after coming home this lime. She has really learned from her mistakes, and her apology is sincere.”

Tessa still felt somewhat puzzled, but she didn’t want to make the atmosphere too tense since Hathaway was there. So, she shifted her gaze toward Kathleen before addressing her sternly. “I’ll forgive you this time, but there will be no next time.”

“Don’t worry. I promise there won’t be the next time,” Kathleen replied.

Hathaway looked relieved upon hearing their words. “I feel like I can finally have a good night’s sleep after watching you guys reconcile.” Tessa simply smiled without making any comments as she still felt like something was off.

Kathleen didn’t seem to understand the look on Tessa’sface, for she jogged over to Tessa excitedly. “That’s great. You’ll be my good friend from now on, and we ll get along well with each other!” She hooked her arm around Tessa’s as she spoke.Tessa could only stare at the other woman dumbfoundedly. She could feel goosebumps forming on her skin, and before she knew it, she found herself trying to pull away from Kathleen. Tessa took a step sideways to create some distance between her and Kathleen. “I’ll head off to practice if that’s all you have to say,” she said flatly.“Go on!” Kathleen didn’t seem bothered by Tessa’s tone —she merely beamed and nodded at Tessa. Tessa responded coldly and walked off after bidding goodbye to Hathaway. Hathaway sent the rest of the people off to practice after that. A while later, Kathleen was the only one who remained in her spot after everyone

had left. She stared at the direction in which Tessa had gone as her gaze darkened a little. The look in her eyes was terrifying—she looked like a poisonous snake prepared to catch its prey.However, Tessa didn’t know any of this. She merely thought that Kathleen was acting strangely, and her gut feeling told her to stay away from Kathleen.After a whole day of practice, Tessa bid goodbye to everyone before turning and heading home to her villa. But, unfortunately, the villa no longer held the cheerful laughs and noises as it did before, and she wasn’t used to the silence. So, she let out a soft sigh as she tried her best to suppress her negative thoughts, and headed to the kitchen to prepare a meal instead.

Later that night, while lying in bed and preparing to rest, she received a video call from Nicholas. The man was dressed in his black suit, and he was sitting on his office table with the sun shining from behind his back. The bright light surrounded the man’s figure and made him look like an Adonis surrounded by a halo of light.“How was practice today? Did anyone cause you trouble?” His voice showed a hint of care as he gazed at her lovingly.She knew what he was worried about, so she smiled and reassured him. “Don’t worry. No one caused me trouble at all.” That surprised him as he raised an eyebrow upon hearing her words.“Are you surprised?” Tessa let out a laugh when she saw the look on his face. He couldn’t cover up the change in his expression, so he simply nodded. She flipped around in bed to find a comfortable spot before she continued to explain herself. “I was pretty surprised myself. Did you know that Kathleen actually apologized to me when I went to the orchestra practice today? She seemed really different as well.” She gave him a brief summary of what happened at practice earlier.

He frowned upon hearing her story. “I think you should be more alert. It’s possible that she’s truly changing for the better, but it could also be that she’s up to something far more sinister,” he warned.“I think so too.” She nodded in agreement.However, he still felt worried, so he gave her another reminder. “You shouldn’t get too close with Kathleen until you’re sure what’s going on.”“Don’t worry. I know what to do. Let’s not talk about her anymore.” She changed the topic. “How’s Gregory after I left? Was he really sad?”“He has been gloomy ever since you left, and he was still the same even when I left for

work this morning,” he told her about Gregory’s condition in a calm tone, and she couldn’t help but feel her heart aching at the thought.“I’ll give him a call later,” she decided.

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