Always Been Yours

Chapter 542

Chapter 542

Chapter 542

Chapter 542Nicholas frowned upon hearing his words. However, before he could say anything, Tessa spoke up hesitantly. “Actually, I would like to seek other opportunities out there. I want to meet more people if possible.” Her sentences gradually sounded more confident, and her eyes lit up as she spoke. “I think music is really diverse; if it’s incorporated into my life, perhaps I would gain more experience and a better perspective on it.”His expression softened when he saw the girl lifting her own spirits up without his help. “That’s a good idea. Do you know what to do already?”“Well… I haven’t thought of that.” She sounded dejected again. So, he chuckled before giving her some advice. “It’s fine. We can take it slow.”“We don’t have a choice but to take it slow, I guess.” The next day, Tessa got herself ready and brought her violin case out to head to the orchestra practice. When the other members saw her, they all headed over to ask about her.“Hey, Tessa! I heard that your violin had been fixed!” someone said.“Yeah,” she replied with a smile. Someone saw Tessa canying the violin case around, so they asked her to take it out to let them take a look. She didn’t reject them as she opened the case and showed it to them. “This looks just like it had been before it was broken,” they commented.“Who did you ask to fix it for you, Tessa?” the members exclaimed in surprise. They were all curious. After all, no matter how much you took care of your instruments, there were bound to be problems if you used them every day. It was rare to hear of masters who could work such wonders.“It was Mr. Louis,” Tessa replied honestly. Everyone was shocked. When they returned to her senses, they all stared at Tessa enviously. “You’re impressive, Tessa.I can’t believe you managed to meet Mr. Louis.”Louis was a well- known luthier, and many others hoped for him to fix their instruments. That was why he had to devise some rules that made it harder for others to make an appointment with him. Tessa smiled upon hearing their words. “I wasn’t the one who contacted him. My boyfriend was the one who helped me to make an appointment.”“Tessa, I suspect you’re just trying to show off your boyfriend right now,” one of the members saidenviously.“Yeah, yeah. You make us feel like perhaps all we need is a boyfriend for us to get an appointment with Mr. Louis,” another one commented.“Oh no, the more you talk about your boyfriend, the more I feel like getting one myself, Tessa.” All the members began to chat and laugh among themselves. Tessa felt her face turning red. Right then, Hathaway’s voice came from the back

of them. “What are you guys talking about? Why are you guys laughing so hard?” The members told her about what they were talking about earlier.Hathaway gave Tessa a concerned look. “How is your violin after it was fixed? How does it sound now?”“It’s good as new,” Tessa said confidently.Hathaway seemed rather suspicious. “Why don’t you try to play something?” Tessa nodded and lifted her violin. Everyone else kept quiet while a well-defined and clear tune flowed out of her violin. When the song ended, everyone applauded her, and Hathaway sighed in awe. “Mr. Louis is a skilled man indeed. This violin sounds just like it once was.”Tessa nodded upon hearing Hathaway’s words, and all of them chatted for a while before they parted ways. However, when Hathaway was heading back to her office, Tessa hurried after her. “Is anything the matter, Tessa?” Hathaway eyed Tessa curiously when she saw the girl following her.“There’s something I’d like to talk to you about,” Tessa responded honestly.“Let’s talk about it in the office, then.” Hathaway led Tessa to the office and sat down before questioning her. “What would you like to talk about?”Tessa told Hathaway about her thoughts without any hesitation. “Can I go elsewhere to experience the music scene when I’m not at the orchestra practice? I’d like to experience a different scene when it comes to music so I can broaden my horizons.”Hathaway understood what Tessa meant, but she frowned upon hearing Tessa’s words. “Why would you think of doing that?”“I just thought that music should be a little more diverse. If I incorporated it into my daily life, I figured that it would give me more experience, which 1 lack. Apart from coming for training, I don’t have many other opportunities to perform. So, I just wanted to search for more opportunities to better myself,” she said.

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