Always Been Yours

Chapter 552

Chapter 552

Chapter 552

Chapter 552

Tessa could only improve because Hathaway had been flexible enough to allow her to perform outside. They talked about music theory for a while before changing topics to the second orchestra team. “I’ve already told the shareholders about the second team, and they are all verv supportive of it. But…”

Hathaway paused for a moment-she had a conflicted expression. Tessa thought that something had happened, so she checked in with Hathaway. “But…?”

“There have been some changes since I last told you about this.” Hathaway glanced at Tessa apologetically. “I previously told you that I wanted you to be the lead violinist of the second team and that I wanted you to guide them. However, some shareholders didn’t agree to this.”

Tessa couldn’t deny the fact that she was disappointed upon hearing this news. However, she quickly regulated her emotions before smiling at Hathaway. “It’s fine. The shareholders have the right to express their opinions.”

“Indeed. They think that I’m being unfair toward the others,” Hathaway said with a nod. Tessa didn’t know what to say after that, Objectively speaking, it was rather unfair to the rest of the orchestra team. Tessa thought about it for a moment before speaking, “Regardless of the outcome, I trust you, Miss Hathaway.”

Hathaway’s gaze softened upon hearing Tessa’s last few words. She could tell that Tessa genuinely trusted her. “I’m glad to hear that you trust me. I’ve already discussed things with the shareholders. The most capable member will get to take the lead for the second team, and we have come up with a plan to host a competition that will decide who gets this role.”

Tessa thought that this sounded like a good idea. “Miss Hathaway, can you tell me when the competition is happening and what rules it will consist of?”

“We’re still in the process of finalizing the dates and the rules. Once we’re done discussing this, we’ll post the announcement on the orchestra’s billboard,” Hathaway explained. Tessa nodded without asking about anything else. Hathaway raised an eyebrow when she saw how calm Tessa looked. “Don’t you have any opinions about this competition?” she asked.

Tessa glanced at Hathaway before realizing what Hathaway was referring to. “I think it’s a good idea to host this competition. This way, everyone gets a fair chance to compete against one another. But, of course, I still believe that I’ll be able to win the competition. My ultimate goal has always been to become the lead violinist, after all.”

Hathaway’s gaze was filled with satisfaction as she looked at the confident girl before her eyes, and she had always admired how courageous Tessa was. “Do you know why I agreed with the shareholders to host this competition for the lead violinist? It’s because I trust that you’ll be able to win. When that happens, no one else can say that I was biased for giving you this role.”

Tessa and Hathaway chatted in the office for a while more before they headed off to practice. Little did they know that Kathleen was the one who had pushed for this competition to happen. Hathaway Philharmonic’s shareholders were made up of seniors who had watched Kathleen grow into a woman, so they were extremely close to Kathleen.

When Kathleen found out that her mother was about to create a second orchestra team and that

her mother had chosen Tessa as the lead violinist, she decided that she would have to step in to stop Tessa from getting the role.

That night, Kathleen found herself in a bar on one of the well-known recreational streets. Kathleen had brought a few of the best violinists ‘out for a beer, and these violinists knew that Kathleen and Tessa were not on good terms.

In particular, a gorgeous woman called Cindy believed that she had the chance to obtain the lead role in the second orchestra. However, the moment Tessa showed up, Cindy felt like her ranks had dropped in the team. Kathleen glanced at Cindy with a sinister look in her eyes. It was clear from the look in her blue eyes that she was plotting against Tessa.

The few of them chit-chatted for a while, and Kathleen casually spoke up later in the night. “I heard that you guys had increased your training intensity for the sake of the upcoming competition. You know you guys can always ask me for guidance if you need it.”

The rest of the people were puzzled upon hearing this. After all, Kathleen had never offered to guide others in the past. However, Cindy rejected Kathleen’s order in a confident tone. “I’m not worried about the competition at all. I’m sure that I’ll get first place.”

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