Always Been Yours

Chapter 647

Chapter 647

Chapter 647

Chapter 647 Still Outstanding

Nicholas didn’t know what was going on in Janet’s mind. But, he could tell that Janet looked much better than she did the day before and that she was in higher spirits. So, he simply nodded and gave her some orders. “Since you’re feeling better, you should really focus on recuperating from now on. Stop sticking your nose into other unimportant stuff and running around the place.”

The bright smile on Janet’s face dimmed a little after she heard what Nicholas said, as she could tell that he was displeased by her recent actions. Despite this, she nodded obediently while making a promise to him. “Don’t worry. I’ll stop running around.”

Nicholas was extremely busy the next few days—he had to handle all his work beforehand as he wanted to free up more of his time during the end of the month. On the other hand, Tessa was getting busier as her performance date got nearer—her orchestra team was planning to travel to Yvetlava before their actual performance day over there. This time, they were performing for two nights. Group One would perform on the first night, while Group Two would perform the following night. Naturally, the people in the orchestra valued this performance a lot.

In particular, those from Group Two placed more emphasis on this performance since it was their first time appearing as a group in front of an audience. That night would determine if Group Two could successfully build its reputation within the industry. Even though Hathaway had told the members to go easy on themselves, many were tense and nervous as they practiced even harder than before.

As time went by, Hathaway eventually decided on a date to travel over to Yvetlava. Tessa gave Nicholas a call before she headed over. “I’ll probably be busy once I get there. We’ll have to familiarize ourselves with the place, and we’ll be rehearsing a lot. So, I might not have a lot of them to call you,” she told him.

“It’s fine. We’ll be meeting soon.” Nicholas didn’t mind as he was about to be done with all the work on his hands. However, he felt his heart ache when he gazed at the woman’s thin face. “I know it’s important to train yourself, but you shouldn’t push yourself too hard. You need to relax a little. Don’t make me worry about you,” he voiced in concern.

Tessa felt a sweet, joyful sensation spreading across her chest upon hearing the man’s gentle reminder. She told him to take care of himself and Gregory before ending the call. In the next few days, Tessa focused on rehearsing with the orchestra. She was so busy that she barely had the time to shower. Nevertheless, they were getting closer and closer to the performance day.

One day, Nicholas was about to get off work when he received a call from his ex-superior. “Hey, Nicholas. I’m going to be in Southend for a few days. Why don’t we meet tonight? We haven’t seen each other since you left the army force. Bring Janet along! I’d like to see how well she has healed.”

Nicholas was rather puzzled, but he accepted the suggestion. “Sure. I’ll book a great restaurant to welcome you to the city tonight,” he replied. That night, they all met in a private room in a high-end private clubhouse. Janet and Nicholas sat directly in front of Cole at the dining table. Cole was in his fifties, and his full name was Cole Spurse. He was dressed in a smart casual outfit. His large body build made him seem like someone with power.

There was gratitude and comfort as Cole laid his eyes on Nicholas. He seems like a competent and influential man now, Cole thought. “I thought it was a shame to let you go when you first left the force. However, it seems like I had been too closed-minded all along—someone as outstanding as you would be outstanding regardless of where you go.”

Nicholas curled his lips into a smile. “You’re exaggerating my capabilities,” he uttered humbly. Janet joined in their conversation every now and then, and the mood was pleasant in the room. After checking in with Janet and Nicholas, Cole began asking about Janet’s condition. “I heard that your

injuries had worsened a few days ago and that you had been hospitalized again. How are you feeling now?”

“I’m okay. The doctor told me to lie in bed and not move around so much.” Janet smiled. “You should really rest more if that’s what the doctor tells you to do,” he replied with a nod. Then, he turned to look at Nicholas before praising him. “I’m so thankful that you’re here to care for Janet. It would’ve been hard for us to find others to care for her otherwise,” he professed his gratitude.

“It’s my duty,” Nicholas replied.

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