Always Been Yours

Chapter 651

Chapter 651

Chapter 651

Chapter 651 Made Him Stay

“I’m not suitable for this task. I’ve left the troop, so I shouldn’t meddle in this,” Nicholas said. Although Gregory couldn’t understand what the two adults were talking about, he started urging his father to make a move when he saw that it was about time for their flight. “Let’s go, Daddy. We’re running out of time,” Gregory said. Gregory didn’t want to be late as he was eager to see Tessa.

Janet’s expression darkened when she heard the kid’s voice. She knew Nicholas was going to meet Tessa that night, so she intentionally exposed Cole’s whereabouts to create opportunities for herself. Nicholas had no idea about any of this, of course. He glanced at the time to realize that they were about to be late. “Well, I can’t help with this. You should contact one of your higher-ups and get them to send some people over,” Nicholas replied before preparing to leave.

But Janet wasn’t going to let him leave so easily. “You’re right. But I don’t think there’s enough time to contact the higher-ups now. Forget it. I’ll go on my own. I should be fine.” Janet attempted to use reverse psychology as she pretended to agree before turning around to leave. However, her footsteps were plodding as she was sure that Nicholas wouldn’t allow her to go just like that. She was right—his voice sounded in her ear just after she took a few steps.

“Wait,” he said.

“Are you going to help, Nicholas?” Janet turned around excitedly, her eyes twinkling as she looked at Nicholas. He nodded as he thought, I still have two days until Tessa’s performance. I should be able to make it in time. Gregory seemed to have understood some of the conversations, for he stuck his lips into a pout. “I don’t want to stay. I’m going to meet Miss Tessa. You agreed to leave today, Daddy. Miss Tessa will be so disappointed if she doesn’t see us tomorrow.”

Janet was fuming when she heard the kid’s words. I worked so hard just to convince Nicholas to stay. I’m not going to allow someone else to ruin this. “Be a good boy, Gregory. Daddy has other important

stuff to do,” Janet snapped at him rather impatiently.

“Is there anything more important than Miss Tessa?” Gregory shot Janet a glare. This woman’s the reason I can’t meet Miss Tessa, he thought. Janet could sense the hostility coming from the young boy, and her gaze darkened for a second before she put on her usual kind and loving expression. “You’re still young, Gregory. You don’t understand how these two things are completely different matters. You can’t compare one to another,” she said.

After that, she no longer talked to the kid. Instead, she turned to Nicholas worriedly. “I think we need to take action to look for Cole immediately. I’m afraid the situation might turn for the worse if we keep wasting time here.” Nicholas had thought about this as well, so he nodded in agreement.

Gregory assumed that he wasn’t going to meet Tessa at this point, and tears began to well up in his eyes just at the thought of not seeing her. “I don’t want to stay here. I want Miss Tessa! Daddy, you promised that you would bring me to her,” he whined.

Janet felt the urge to strangle Gregory when she saw the kid crying. Her gaze was dark and eerie. However, Nicholas didn’t realize the peculiar look in her eyes. Instead, he knelt down and spoke in a gentle voice. “Stop crying. I’m not telling you to stay. I’ll get Edward to send you over first, and I’ll join you guys once I’m done here,” Nicholas explained.

Gregory stopped crying when he heard that he didn’t have to stay. He wiped his tears off and sniffed a few times before speaking. “You’ll have to stick to your promise, Daddy. You have to come.”

After sending Gregory off, Nicholas pulled his phone out to start dealing with Cole’s disappearance. He led Janet to the study in order to better understand the story. Janet had to contain her excitement as she glanced at her surroundings in the bright study. I did it. I made Nicholas stay! I’m even standing in his private space!

At that moment, Janet swore to herself—one day, I will be able to openly walk in and out of all Nicholas’ private spaces. Of course, Nicholas didn’t know what she was thinking about, so he simply gestured for her to sit on the couch before getting to the main point. “When did you lose contact with Cole? What was the plan that he had made before disappearing? Tell me everything,” Nicholas ordered.

Janet quickly gathered her emotions before she told him everything that she knew about the situation.

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