Always Been Yours

Chapter 653

Chapter 653

Chapter 653

Chapter 653 Knock Knock

“What’s he doing here?” Nicholas still allowed his men to bring Kaiden in despite sounding rather disdainful.

Soon enough, Kaiden was brought into the room and Nicholas threw him an icy glare. “Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to take care of Janet?” Nicholas asked.

“Janet was worried, and wanted me to come here to help you with anything you might need.” Kaiden hung his head low to speak in a respectful tone. However, underlying the dark pupils was a spark of evil that surfaced as he thought about their plan.

At that point, Nicholas hadn’t suspected anything. He shifted his focus to think about the undercover in their group, and he figured that it’d be better for Kaiden to do the research. Since Kaiden was one of the people on the team, others might not be as suspicious of his sudden change in actions.

“I happen to have something I need you to do,” Nicholas said.

“Anything at all, President Sawyer.” Kaiden looked extremely prepared to follow whatever orders.

Nicholas nodded and told Kaiden about the situation. “I suspect there must be a mole in the group who revealed Cole’s whereabouts. I want you to investigate who it was who exposed Cole’s location.”

Kaiden felt his heart pounding when he heard the man’s words. He hadn’t expected Nicholas to make the correct guess so soon, and he was also glad that he had shown up in time. If Nicholas had ordered someone else to do this, they might have exposed Janet for what she did.

“I got it,” Kaiden agreed to the instructions. He placed all his emotions aside as he nodded and excused himself.

Nicholas told his other men to leave as well.

The air around him was hushed once they left. He slumped into the couch as tiredness washed over his figure. He massaged his temples for a while and fell asleep before realizing it.

Sometime later, he was awakened by the sound of sirens outside. His eyes shot open to find that the skies were bright out. He hastily went to the shower and washed up. Once he was awake, he took his phone and went to the hall to call Tessa. He had to tell her he hadn’t managed to make the trip to Yvetlava, anyway.

On the other end, Tessa had just ended practice and returned to her hotel. She was puzzled when she saw Nicholas. “Why aren’t you on the plane yet? Did something happen?”

Her question made sense. Nicholas was a man of his word—he would never go against his promises unless something important occurred. He didn’t explain too much about his situation. “Some emergency came up, but I told Gregory to head first. I’ll definitely arrive before your performance starts,” he said.

Tessa was slightly disappointed that she couldn’t see Nicholas the next day, but she didn’t say much about it. “Hurry up and get things settled, then. Stay safe. I’ll wait for you,” she uttered gently.

“I’ll be safe.” A faint smile hung from Nicholas’ face as he asked her about her practice. She picked a few interesting stories to tell him, and they chatted for a while more after that before Nicholas told Tessa to go to bed.

After they ended the call, Tessa lay in bed for a time as she couldn’t fall asleep. For some reason, she had a bad feeling about the whole thing regarding Nicholas. Is something terrible about to happen? She knitted her brows and thought about it for a long while, but she couldn’t pinpoint anything. The best she could do was hope that she was just overthinking.

Meanwhile, after more than 10 hours on the flight, Gregory finally arrived at Yvetlava, where it was the middle of the night. Edward led the young boy out of the airport, walking alongside Timothy. This was Tessa’s first official performance as the lead violinist, and he had to be there for such a significant moment.

Three of them hurried over to the hotel where Tessa was staying. Gregory had just dumped his luggage in the room when he pestered the adults to let him meet Tessa. “Let’s visit Miss Tessa, Uncle Tim! I really miss her.”

It had been a while since Timothy saw his sister, and he also missed her. So, both of them hurried off, leaving Edward behind as he watched the two figures rushing ahead without him. Edward had wanted to comment on how Tessa might be sleeping, but he figured that Tessa wouldn’t mind being disturbed.

Meanwhile, Tessa was fast asleep in dreamland when she heard a knocking on the door. She was startled at first but still dazedly tried to get out of bed.

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