Always Been Yours

Chapter 663

Chapter 663

Chapter 663

Chapter 663 Don’t Wait

They hadn’t just captured the men trying to run out of the cave, and even surrounded the entire hill to ensure that all the criminals were put behind bars. Once this was done, Cole finally had the time to check on Nicholas. “How’s your injury? Can you hang in there for a while more?”

“I’m fine,” Nicholas said as he stood up to show that he was alright. But to his surprise, he felt the world around him spinning when he got to his feet. He couldn’t move his injured shoulder at all as it was completely numb. Cole hurried forward to steady Nicholas when he saw Nicholas stumbling backward. “What is it?” Cole asked worriedly.

“Whatever they attacked me with seemed to have had some tranquilizer. My head’s spinning, and I can’t feel my shoulder.” Nicholas was honest about his condition. Cole was shocked to hear this, and he hurriedly ordered someone to send Nicholas to the hospital. While they were on the way there, Nicholas could no longer fight against the potent chemicals in his bloodstream, eventually passing out.

He was frustrated about how he couldn’t travel overseas just moments before he lost all consciousness. Unfortunately, it seems like I won’t be able to catch the last flight there!

The actual show day came in the blink of an eye. However, Tessa didn’t receive any news from Nicholas, and she had a bad feeling about his sudden disappearance. Timothy noticed how uneasy his sister seemed, so he gave her a suggestion. “Why don’t you just call Nicholas and ask him where he is, Tessa?”

Gregory added to this. “Yeah. Call Daddy and ask him what’s taking him so long,” the small boy uttered. Tessa pulled her phone out to contact Nicholas after h that. But his phone rang for a long while

without anyone picking it up. Tessa frowned as she ended the call and met gazes with Gregory and Timothy. “No one is picking up,” she said while shaking her head.

Timothy frowned as a puzzled look surfaced in his eyes. Even Gregory rested his chin on his hands before he pressed his cheeks together and muttered to himself. “What’s Daddy doing? Why isn’t he picking his phone up?”

It wasn’t Nicholas’ fault—he was in a coma and couldn’t do anything. Meanwhile, Kaiden told Janet about Nicholas’ injuries, and she hurried over from Southend to visit him. “How’s Nicholas, Cole? Are his injuries really severe?” Janet barely took a breath after rushing to the ward—she immediately asked about Nicholas’ condition.

Cole didn’t bother to hide anything, so he told her what he knew about Nicholas’ condition. “His wounds have been treated, and it’s nothing serious, so he should be able to wake up once the medication wears off.” After that, he changed his tone of voice. “It’s great that you’re here, Janet. You can take care of Nicholas for a bit. I have to handle some issues and can only come back later.”

“You can go ahead, Cole. I’ll take care of him.” Janet wouldn’t mind if Cole didn’t return—that way, she could spend more alone time with Nicholas.

Cole wasn’t aware of all this, of course. He hurried out of the room after hearing Janet’s response. On the other hand, Janet moved a chair closer to the bed so she could sit down and admire Nicholas’ flawless face. A sly grin formed on her lips as she gazed at him. Great. Now, he can’t abandon me to go and meet that b*tch, Tessa.

The room was eerily quiet until a ringing phone broke the silence. When Janet saw that it was a call from Tessa, her initial thought had been to ignore it. However, the phone continued ringing. Janet narrowed her eyes as she seemed to realize something. There was a mysterious look on her face as she picked the call up. “Where are you, Nicholas? When are you coming?” Tessa’s gentle voice came

from the phone. Janet scoffed. “You shouldn’t wait for him, Miss Reinhart. It’s impossible for him to go there now, and he has more important things to handle other than music.” She ended the call immediately after that.

Tessa clutched her phone as she sat on the hotel bed. Her expression seemed rather gloomy, and Timothy and Gregory immediately caught on. “What did Nicholas say? Did he make you angry?”

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