Always Been Yours

Chapter 666

Chapter 666

Chapter 666

Chapter 666 Your Dreams

Once Nicholas got into the car, he headed straight for the airport. “Hurry. Drive faster.” He kept urging his men to hurry up while they were on the way there. Despite this, he still missed the last flight. Nicholas’ face turned sour when he discovered it was too late. Fortunately, his workers were sensitive enough to notice the look on Nicholas’ face, and they hurried forward with some suggestions.

“I can contact the airlines’ higher-ups and get them to prepare a private plane for you,” one of his men said. The Sawyer Group held a fair amount of shares in this airline company, so they always had the option to use the exclusive benefits offered by the company. However, Nicholas didn’t usually make use of such things. This time, his tense expression softened when he heard his worker’s suggestion, and he nodded in agreement. About half an hour later, he stepped foot into a flight that would bring him directly to Yvetlava.

Meanwhile, Janet was still in the ward with an utterly dejected look on her face. “Why? I did so many things, yet I still couldn’t stop him from leaving. Does he care about that b*tch so much?” She gritted her teeth as she growled under her breath. The rage that she felt had turned her pretty face into the face of a ferocious beast.

The skies were turning dark in Yvetlava, and Tessa was expected to go on stage soon. However, she wasn’t entirely focused on the performance as she couldn’t stop thinking about Nicholas. Timothy was worried when he saw Tessa in such a state, so he tried his best to comfort her. “You should trust Nicholas, Tessa. He’s going to be fine. So, you should put all of your focus on the performance for now,” he said.

“…I can’t do it.” Tessa shook her head after a while. “He hasn’t contacted me until now, which means he must still be unconscious. If he has been unconscious for so long, that must mean that his injuries

are really severe,” she said. Timothy didn’t know how to convince her otherwise.

Right then, Gregory came over and hugged Tessa while attempting to ease her worries. “Daddy’s going to be fine, Miss Tessa. Just focus on the performance. This has been your dream all along!” the kid said. Tessa felt a mixture of complicated emotions when she saw the kid in her arms. Timothy seemed to have been inspired by what Gregory said, for his eyes lit up as he continued speaking. “Gregory’s right. This is a goal that you’ve been fighting toward for such a long time. You can’t let your six months of effort and your time spent away from Nicholas go down the drain just like that. You worked so hard for this goal!” he cried.

A switch seemed to flick in Tessa’s mind at that moment. He’s right. I gave up so many things in the past six months just for this dream. I shouldn’t let myself down, she thought. Timothy continued speaking when he sensed a change in her attitude. “Also, don’t you remember Nicholas’ greatest wish?”

“His greatest wish?” Tessa was stunned for a moment—it seemed like she had yet to process everything. Timothy nodded. “Nicholas’ greatest wish is to be able to see you standing on stage with an increasing amount of confidence. He wants you to unleash yourself on stage.”

When Tessa heard what her brother said, she suddenly recalled what Nicholas had once told her. “I’m waiting for the day when you become the most outstanding and eye-catching violinist on stage!” Nicholas had said. She felt his voice was beside her at that moment, and it calmed her down.

She knew that she couldn’t disappoint Nicholas and the rest of the people who cared for her. “I know what to do now.” She nodded as if she had finally gotten a grasp of the situation. That night, Tessa was all prepared by 9.00PM. She waited backstage with the rest of the members from Group Two.

“We are pleased to see all of you here today to enjoy a lovely performance by one of Hathaway’s orchestra groups—Group Two!” A handsome emcee dressed in a tuxedo had given his opening

speech, and he attempted to excite the crowd before inviting the orchestra group onto the stage. “Let’s have Group Two come on stage now!” The crowd let out loud cheers the moment the emcee finished his words.

Tessa went on stage, holding her violin in one hand and lifting her dress with another. She walked confidently and elegantly, following closely behind Frebriker as they made their way to their own positions. The bright lights that struck her face enhanced her breathtaking appearance, and the crowd couldn’t take their eyes off her. As Frebriker’s baton went up in the air, a light melody began to spread across the air around them, penetrating every corner of the place.

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