Always Been Yours

Chapter 669

Chapter 669

Chapter 669

Chapter 669 Persistence

“What makes you say that, Miss Reinhart?” The reporters sounded excited, probably because they thought that they had struck gold. Tessa took a long look at the reporters’ expressions before speaking in a wistful tone. “Well, the person who matters the most to me didn’t manage to come and watch me perform,” she said.

“Who’s this person you’re talking about, Miss Reinhart? Is this person your lover?” they asked.

“I’m sorry. This is my personal information, and I don’t want my matters to impact the other person’s life,” she clarified. The reporters were disappointed to hear this. But, for the sake of exclusive headlines, these reporters continued digging for other information. “Well, what other thoughts do you have apart from missing that important person, Miss Reinhart? For example, who would you like to thank for your successful performance?” someone said.

“I wonder if your family is here, Miss Reinhart. Do you have anything to say to them?” another one said.

“Was it your teacher or your supportive family members who contributed more to your current success?” Tessa pressed her lips to form a stiff smile as she listened to their questions, but the smile did not reach her eyes. These reporters really won’t give up, huh? They keep trying to get me to say something provocative. “I’d like to thank my teacher, of course. If my teacher hadn’t chosen me and given me a chance to grow, I might have needed another few years just to get to where I am now,” Tessa replied. “My family… I’d like to say that I didn’t disappoint them. I’ll work harder to make sure that they’re proud of me,” she replied.

“The one person who contributed the most is probably also the person who’s the most important to me. He drives me to perform and improve because I want to show my best side to him and because I want to be an outstanding figure even when placed beside him.” Regardless of how difficult or challenging

the questions were, Tessa managed to respond to all of them perfectly. It was hard for one to pick any issue from her statements.

The reporters were shocked and dissatisfied, so they continued questioning her. However, Tessa was tired of answering at this point. This wasn’t just her stage—she shouldn’t be the one taking all of the spotlights. She knew that Kathleen would get mad if she did so.

After Tessa returned backstage, the reporters began targeting Kathleen, but all of their questions were related to Tessa. “Kathleen, it’s evident that Tessa is your mommy’s favorite student. Are you worried that she might be taking away your mother’s time that belonged to you?” one reporter asked.

“Many people have been talking about Tessa being the heir to your mother’s orchestra, and some of them are even saying that she might be better than your mother! What do you think about that?” another one asked.

“Apparently, people have been saying that Miss Reinhart is more talented than you. Are you worried that she might replace your spot someday?” another reporter said.

“Now that the Hathaway Philharmonic has two groups, do you guys fight over who gets to be in Group One? Do you and Miss Reinhart fight to be the lead violinist of the orchestra?” Every question sounded more controversial than the last. Kathleen clutched onto the microphone, and her knuckles were white from clenching her fists, but she maintained a smile on her face.

She knew that she couldn’t throw a tantrum then, as she would fall into the reporters’ trap if she did such a thing. “I believe both Mommy and I would be glad if Tessa managed to surpass my mother’s abilities. Regarding the competition between Tessa and me, I guess all I have to say is that we all have our own strengths. We shine in our own different ways, so there’s no reason for me to be worried about being replaced, right?” She spoke courteously.

However, the reporters weren’t about to let her go just yet. Instead, they started asking even more challenging questions. “That was a really nice answer, but it sounds like you’re avoiding the question. Are you indirectly agreeing that you’re not as good as Miss Reinhart?” someone asked.

“Sisters from the same family would burn bridges for the sake of their own benefits. If whatever you said just now was true, would you say that your relationship with Miss Reinhart is even better than biological sisters?” another one asked.

“Well, I previously heard that Kathleen had done bad things to Miss Reinhart out of jealousy. How would you like to explain yourself, Kathleen?” one reporter inquired sharply.

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