Always Been Yours

Chapter 701

Chapter 701

Chapter 701

Chapter 701

Timothy sternly looked at Yvette and scolded, “What gibberish are you talking about?”

“I‘m telling the truth. I have proof,” she raised her head as she argued with him.

However, he still continued to look at her gloomily. “What evidence do you have?”

“Last night, I saw her kiss another man with my own eyes.”

Then, she began to tell him what had happened last night, took out her phone, and showed him the photos she took last night. “Look, these are proofs that I took last night.”

As she spoke, she handed the phone to Timothy for him to see.

He took one glance and looked away.

However, Tessa, on the other hand, was a little surprised to see those photos on Yvette‘s phone.

Tessa didn‘t expect Yvette to stalk her because of her brother.

Nevertheless, she didn‘t care as she sat calmly on the sofa, but her impression of Yvette worsened. She honestly felt that this woman was getting really annoying.

When Yvette saw that Timothy had fallen silent, she thought that she had succeeded and that he was at a loss for words. Then, she quickly became complacent and said, “Timothy, now that you know who truly cares for you, let‘s get her to leave immediately.”

Instead, he just stared at Yvette, who thought so highly of herself, and felt she had some serious mental illness.

Across the table, Tessa was thinking the same thing.

She also felt that if she continued to allow this woman to pester her brother like this, it might affect him, so she did not plan to sit idly by.

“Excuse me, miss, but Timothy is aware of all the things you had just brought up. Yet, here we are, happily chatting away. Do you have a problem with that?”

She deliberately tried to induce misunderstandings between Yvette and the two of them so Yvette would back off.

However, Yvette did not seem to take the hint.

She was in disbelief when she heard what Tessa had said.

“Tim, is what she said true?” She turned her head and questioned Timothy. She would not believe that he would accept such an absurd thing.

He glanced at his sister, immediately understood what she was trying to do, and nodded cooperatively. “Yeah, I know about all that.”

This time, Yvette was furious. She felt, more than ever, that she was being humiliated.

In her opinion, she was a daughter of a renowned family, yet she couldn‘t be compared to this shameless woman in front of Timothy.

“Tim, have you lost your mind? How can you allow such a ridiculous thing?!” She criticized him. She felt like it was all Tessa‘s fault, and all sorts of nasty and humiliating words came out of her mouth.

“B*tch, wh*re! You must have bewitched Timothy. But, I‘m warning you, if you don‘t take the initiative to leave Timothy on your own, don‘t blame me for what happens next!”

Raw anger shot through Timothy when he heard these humiliating words.

He barely had the heart to reprimand his sister, yet this woman was here, throwing insults at her like this. Did she forget he existed?

“Enough! Yvette Turner, it‘s not your place to meddle in my affairs. Get out of here!”

“How is it not my place to meddle in your affairs? Timothy, don‘t forget that both our companies are in a cooperative relationship. If a scandal revolves around you, our company‘s reputation will also be affected. If someone needs to get out, it‘ll be this woman. Why should I leave?”

Yvette was unconvinced as refuted back.

All this while, she didn‘t forget to give Tessa a fierce look.

Tessa‘s face was dark as well, obviously angry


Timothy took the lead without waiting for her to react by sneering and satirizing, “It‘s just cooperation. Do you really think I value it that much? Miss Turner, I now officially would like to announce that starting today, the cooperation between our two companies will end, and there is no need for us to continue it in the future!”

When Yvette heard this, she exploded with anger and felt even more embarrassed.

“Timothy Reinhart, you‘ve lost your mind! You‘re not even considering the company‘s interest just because of this shameless woman!”

“It‘s my choice. Now, get out!”

He was indifferent as he chased her out again.

Although she was reluctant, she also knew that she would humiliate herself even more if she stayed

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