Always Been Yours

Chapter 711

Chapter 711

Chapter 711

Chapter 711 I Missed You So Much

After speaking with Hathaway, Tessa carried her violin as she made her way to Group Two’s training room to practice.

Even though she took so many days off, with her capabilities, her skills didn’t regress. Instead, she even showed improvement because she would take some time every day to practice in the music room with Gregory.

Later in the day, Mona also came to the orchestra.

She was elated when she noticed that Tessa was back. She also knew of the conflict between Tessa and Kathleen some time ago, so she said comfortingly, “Don’t pay any mind to Kathleen’s words. She’s just exaggerating. Quite a number of us just came back a few days ago, and even she herself only came back three days ago.”

Tessa never really took the incident to heart. However, when she heard Mona trying to comfort her, she was still quite happy about it.

“Let’s not talk about Kathleen anymore. Come, let’s start practicing.” She invited Mona to practice together, to which the latter agreed without a second thought.

Later in the day, the other members of Group Two also arrived to officially begin rehearsing. Time always flew by when they practiced, and in an instant, the day was over.

After bidding Hathaway and the other orchestra members goodbye, Tessa went to Louis’ manor with her violin.

In the luxurious living room sat Louis with a stoic expression. When he saw Tessa, whom he hadn’t met in a long time, hints of a smile bloomed on his face. “When did you come back?”

“Yesterday. I began orchestra practice today, and I rushed over to see you first thing after practice.”

She probably saw Louis as family, so when she spoke, her tone sounded ever so loving. The two chatted for a while before Louis suddenly changed the subject as he asked, “What did you feel about performing in Yvetlava?”

“Quite good. I’m one step closer to the stage of my dreams.”

At the mention of her dreams, Tessa could barely hide the twinkle in her eyes.

Seeing that, Louis was a little curious as he asked, “Where is the stage of your dreams?”

“My dream is to get into Wiener Musikverein, and to hold a solo concert there!”

Tessa was one to reach for the stars.

Louis was a little surprised, but he also thought it reasonable. After all, every successful musician would hope that they would hold their own concert on the topmost stage.

“This dream isn’t too difficult, but nor is it too easy. Do work hard to get there.”

“I will.” Tessa nodded enthusiastically. Then, she seemed to have remembered something as she produced an exquisite porcelain teacup and a container of top-grade tea leaves. Placing them on the table, she clarified, “This is the present I prepared specially for you. I hope you like it.”

When Louis saw the teacup on the table, he was immediately fascinated by it. It was a teacup with strong motifs that resembled ancient Xerthania. Its base color was azure, and there were faint lines of varying thickness all over the porcelain cup. If one held it to the light, the cup would look like water in a lake with ever-changing ripples.

“I love it. Thank you so much.”

Smiling, he put away the teacup and asked the butler to carefully take it to his study.

After that, he invited Tessa to stay for dinner. Tessa didn’t decline, but just as they were about to dine, Angus arrived.

When Louis saw his handsome nephew, he had a tone of disdain as he said, “You rarely drop by, but now that Tessa is back, you came as soon as you could.”

“Can I say that this is pure coincidence?” Angus shrugged, his eyes twinkling. Even though he really did come for Tessa, he couldn’t admit to it.

Louis humphed, not believing his nephew’s words for a second. However, he didn’t expose the latter either. When Angus saw that, he proceeded to ignore his uncle.

Straightaway, he took a seat opposite Tessa, and with sparkling eyes, he smiled and said, “I missed you a lot these few days when you weren’t around.”

Tessa smiled, not thinking too much about it because she saw him as nothing but a friend. The three continued chatting, and the atmosphere was bright and friendly.

After that, when they had taken their dinner, it was late in the evening, so Tessa decided to take her leave.

“I’ll send you back.”

Angus took his coat as he moved to leave with Tessa.

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