Always Been Yours

Chapter 727

Chapter 727

Chapter 727

Chapter 727

Hearing this, Tessa did not refuse because she was really not feeling well at the moment. Later when they arrived at the hospital, Tessa developed a fever and felt like she was being roasted alive.

The driver did not dare to disregard her health and hurriedly got her to a doctor. When the doctor saw her condition, he immediately had her checked and prepared for treatment.

During this period, the driver couldn‘t help out much either, so he stood outside the examination room and called Nicholas to report the situation here.

“Master Nicholas, we found Miss Tessa.”

“Where did you find her?”

“In the practice room of her orchestra.”

The driver explained roughly what he had learned from Hathaway. “At that time, Miss Tessa was locked in the practice room, but I feel that it was more likely to be a malicious act because the other party not only locked her in but also turned off the heating and turned on the air conditioning.”

On the other end, Nicholas‘ face was expectedly ugly after he heard the driver‘s words. “How is she now?” His voice was deep and husky, as usual.

“When I took Miss Tessa to the hospital just now, she developed a fever, and now the doctor is doing an examination on her.”

“I see. You keep an eye on her situation and report to me as soon as possible.”

“Very well.”

The driver nodded.

In the examination room, the doctor asked Tessa a few questions while taking her temperature. A few minutes later, he retracted the thermometer, glanced at it, and said, “You have a fever, but because you have been suffering in the cold for a long time, we need to do a blood test to see if there is any other issue.”

Tessa wasn‘t a medical expert, so she left it to the professionals and accepted the arrangements. Soon, a nurse came to draw blood for her, and after that, Tessa‘s already pale face seemed to have become even more colorless.

After ten minutes, the test results came out, and the doctor frowned at the examination sheet in his hand.

Seeing this, Tessa felt her heart jump to her throat. “Doctor, is something wrong?”

“No, but you are pregnant, so for the next treatment, we can‘t give you medicine to reduce your fever.”

‘The doctor looked at Tessa with a smile. As the driver was standing some distance away, he did not hear this. After Tessa heard the doctor‘s words, she was stunned. “Did you say I‘m pregnant?”

The doctor nodded. “This is what the test results show.”

Tessa was dumbfounded. How can that be?

Obviously, when she and Nicholas had sex, she always took safety precautions, so how did she suddenly...

She was shocked but also a little uncertain because this child was not in her life plan at all, and she didn‘t know how to tell Nicholas about this. She was not mentally prepared at all...

Tessa sat blankly on the chair while the doctor didn’t notice her complicated mood and said with a smile, “Congratulations, mommy–to–be.”

“Thanks.” Tessa returned to her senses and could only thank the doctor with a wry smile.

The doctor nodded and explained, “Fortunately, your condition is not serious, so you only need to go back and simply do external cooling. After all, it is not good to take medicine during pregnancy.”

“I see. Thank you, Doctor.” Tessa thanked him again and then left the examination room. When the driver saw her coming out, he immediately stepped forward to say, “Miss Tessa, are you alright?”

“I‘m fine. I just caught a cold.”

“That‘s good, as Master Nicholas is apprehensive. He asked you to call him back when you come out.”

Seeing that Tessa didn‘t seem to be in trouble, the driver was relieved and then relayed Nicholas‘ words.

Tessa nodded and walked out of the hospital with the driver.

After getting in the car, she took out her phone and made a video call to Nicholas.

On the screen, Nicholas‘ handsome face was filled with worry that could not be concealed. “What did the doctor say?”

Listening to the man‘s caring words, Tessa finally calmed down.

She smiled sweetly and said, “I‘m fine. I just caught a cold. The doctor said that I would be fine after some physical cooling.”

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