Always Been Yours

Chapter 729

Chapter 729

Chapter 729

Chapter 729

“Kathleen, how did you become like this?”

Hathaway couldn‘t believe that such vicious words had come out of her own daughter‘s mouth.

Kathleen couldn‘t help but feel resentment when she saw her mother looking at her with disbelief.

“How did I become like this? Shouldn‘t you be asking yourself?”

“Me? Is it because of me that you became what you are now?”

Hathaway found Kathleen irrational, but the young lady immediately sneered back, “Isn‘t it? I really want to ask whether you realize who your daughter is?”

She stepped forward and approached Hathaway, venting all the grievances accumulated in her during this period of time. “Sometimes I can‘t help but wonder whether the b*tch Tessa is actually your daughter, while I‘m just adopted by you! Do you know what people in the orchestra say about me now? They even said that I am not as good as Tessa. Let me tell you! I hate her so much now that I wish she would just disappear. If she hadn‘t appeared, I would still be first–rate,

and the person you love the most will also still be me, and Scott won‘t stay away from me because of her!”

After hearing these words, Hathaway was so angry that she slapped Kathleen and stared at Kathleen very sadly. “It seems that I didn‘t teach you well, so that‘s why you end up so vicious! In the orchestra, everyone performs based on their own abilities. As you are my daughter, I have already given you all kinds of preferential treatment. Yet, you never look within yourself to correct your own problems but blame others instead. Kathleen, you disappoint me!”

Kathleen covered her face with one hand, her eyes dark and terrifying. She raised her eyes to face her mother, then sneered unremorsefully, “You‘re disappointed in me? It doesn‘t matter, as you will be more disappointed later because I will definitely destroy Tessa!”



Not knowing what to reply, Hathaway looked at her daughter being on the verge of a breakdown.

When Kathleen broke Tessa‘s piano, Hathaway had covered it up once, but this time, she obviously couldn‘t help Kathleen again!

The next morning, Tessa asked for leave and did not go to the orchestra because her fever had not subsided yet. She had just finished breakfast when the housekeeper knocked on the door and said respectfully, “Miss Tessa, Miss Hathaway is here to see you.”

Tessa was a little surprised and asked the housekeeper to bring Hathaway in.

After a while, the housekeeper walked in with Hathaway. Tessa was quite happy to see Hathaway, so she greeted the latter and invited her to take a seat.

“Miss Hathaway, why are you here?”

“I‘m worried about you, so I came to take a look.”

Hathaway looked at Tessa‘s pale face, her eyes full of guilt.

‘Tessa didn‘t notice it and smiled. “I‘m fine. I was just a little cold last night. I‘ll be fine in two days.”

Hearing this, Hathaway felt even more guilty.

She took a deep breath and looked at Tessa very seriously. “Actually, in addition to visiting you, I came here today to tell you that Kathleen was the one who locked you in the practice room yesterday. I came on her behalf to sincerely apologize to you.”

With that, she stood up and bowed to apologize to Tessa. At that, Tessa quickly got off the bed and supported her. In fact, Tessa had guessed it. Furthermore, she didn‘t think it was Hathaway‘s fault, so she couldn‘t accept the apology.

“Miss Hathaway, it should be Kathleen who is to apologize to me. This has nothing to do with


“That kid is too stubborn,”

Hathaway looked very sad when she said this.

Tessa also understood what it meant

Considering Kathleen‘s temperament, it was impossible for her to apologize.

Hathaway also knew this and felt even more guilty toward Tessa. She didn‘t know what to say, so she blamed herself. “I didn‘t educate Kathleen well. When I divorced her father, I always felt like I owed it to her. Hence, I was overly responsive to her needs, so she developed such a selfish character, and now I‘ve caused her to hurt the people around her.”

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