Always Been Yours

Chapter 746

Chapter 746

Chapter 746

Chapter 742 Officially Married

She turned to the side and looked at the man beside her with mixed emotions. It was difficult to describe what she was feeling inside, but she felt loved and touched.

Soon, they arrived at the marriage department.

“Miss Hathaway? Why are you here?” Surprised, Tessa looked at Hathaway, who was standing in the hallway. In fact, other than Hathaway, Edward was there too.

Nicholas answered her question and explained, “She’s your teacher as well as someone you respect a lot, so I invited her over, hoping that she’d be our witness.”

When Tessa heard that, she was so touched by him that she was at a loss for words. Her eyes started to redden.

Nicholas looked at her and gently wiped the tears away from the corner of her eyes. “Don’t cry. You should be smiling for our big day.”

“You’re the one who made me emotional!” Tessa glared at Nicholas coquettishly. Then, she tried her best to calm her fluttering heart, but the sweet smile tugged on her lips the entire time.

After that, it was time to sign the marriage certificate. Since Nicholas had already asked people to prepare the paperwork beforehand, their registration process went smoothly.

Even after they received the marriage certificate, Tessa still found it surreal. It felt as though she was in a dream. I’m officially married to Nicholas…

At this moment, Hathaway came over and said with a gentle smile, “Congratulations on your marriage.”

Hearing that, Tessa snapped out of her daze and thanked her with a smile while saying, “Thank you.”

“I heard that you’re pregnant. No wonder you looked sick a while back. Remember to take good care of yourself.”

“I know.”

When she saw the woman nodding, Hathaway couldn’t help but sigh. “As your teacher, I’m happy about your marriage. But as a musician, I’m worried that your sudden decision to have a child will have a big impact on your career, especially when your career is just taking off,” she said.

Tessa put on a mere smile as she had already thought of this before she decided to keep the baby. “Don’t worry, Miss Hathaway. Even though I’m pregnant, I won’t give up on my dream. Of course, I’ll still go to orchestra practices and continue performing too.”

Hathaway had nothing else to say when she heard how determined Tessa was. Since it was Tessa’s big day, she gave her a one-day off. “You should go and celebrate with them today and come back for practice tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Miss Hathaway.” Tessa looked at her gratefully.

Hearing that, Hathaway smiled and left after bidding goodbye to Nicholas and the others.

When Gregory noticed Hathaway had left, he ran happily to Tessa’s side. “Yeah! Miss Tessa will be my mommy from now on!” He looked at her with affection in his eyes, which had turned into moon-like crescents from his smile.

When Timothy noticed how happy that little guy was, he couldn’t help but recall what Nicholas had told him previously. All of a sudden, he felt guilty once again as he was the reason Tessa had to be

separated from Gregory for so many years after giving birth to him. He promised himself that he would make it up to Tessa and Gregory from now on.

At this thought, he suppressed his emotions and teased Gregory with a grin, “Greg, I’m really your uncle now. Let me hear you call me uncle.”

“Uncle Tim,” Gregory greeted Timothy as wished.

In an instant, Timothy’s heart was melted by the little guy’s soft and cute voice. “Good boy.” He rubbed Gregory’s black hair affectionately and said gently, “I’ve prepared a present for you, and I’ll give it to you when we go back.”

After hearing there was a present, Gregory was on cloud nine. “Thank you, Uncle Tim.”

While the two of them were having a good time talking, Tessa was stunned and just stood there without moving an inch. She was surprised after Gregory had called her ‘Mommy’. Nonetheless, it felt good since she had always treated Gregory as her biological son all this time. She knew that she had to take this title sooner or later, so she was able to process her feelings quickly.

That afternoon, the newly-wed family had lunch outside together with Edward.

During the meal, Edward held up his wine glass and congratulated them sincerely, saying, “Congratulations on your marriage, President Sawyer and Miss Tessa.”

Seeing that, Timothy joined the toast too and said, “Congratulations, Nicholas and Tess. Here’s wishing you both a lifetime of happiness.”

After looking left and right, Gregory followed them and held up his juice to mimic the action of clinking glasses.

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