Always Been Yours

Chapter 755

Chapter 755

Chapter 755

Chapter 751 Send Them Home

“What is it?” Tessa had a bad feeling about this.

At that, Remus expressed his thoughts bluntly. “You have to be on bed rest in Sawyer Residence until the baby is born, and after that, the child has to return to us. I will not allow the child to be under your care.”

Tessa turned slightly upset after hearing his words. Give up my dreams and also separate me from my child…

“Sorry, I can’t do that.” She shook her head, and her gaze unyielding. “I won’t leave the child with you guys, nor will I be on bed rest in Sawyer Residence. I’m a part of an orchestra, and I have rehearsals and performances to do. This is my hard-won chance, so I won’t give it up.”

Likewise, Nicholas frowned as he looked at his grandfather disapprovingly. “I will not stop Tessa from pursuing her dream, and we will raise the child ourselves. You don’t have to bother yourself with this, Grandpa.” He made his stance clear.

Naturally, their answer was within Remus’ expectations.

“This is as far as I will compromise whether you two agree to it or not,” he announced coldly as he remained motionless on the couch.

Tessa turned grim in an instant, and Timothy wasn’t looking any better either.

He even thought the old man was being borderline ridiculous. What did he see his sister as?!

At that, he snapped, “Don’t you think you’re being high-handed, Old Master Sawyer? My sister is a human, not your family’s breeding stock. Who are you to treat her like that?”

After taking a cursory gander at the young man, Remus sneered and said, “Since your sister has already married Nicholas, it’s only right that she follows our rules. Feel free to leave if you can’t accept it.”

Remus’ words latter words had undoubtedly infuriated Timothy completely, and he instantly wanted to take his sister away.

Kieran, who was good at reading people, noticed this before Timothy could do anything and hurriedly stopped the man by whispering, “Don’t make things much worse for your sister anymore. Can’t you tell that my grandfather’s pissing you off on purpose so that you’ll eventually take your sister away and never come back?”

After hearing Kieran’s words, Timothy gradually calmed down as he looked at the self-possessed old man on the couch. However, it didn’t mean that he wasn’t still pissed.

Tessa, on the other hand, was still rather upset even if she had heard the two younger brothers’ whispers. All she wanted was to be with the man she loved. Why was this impossible?

Nicholas’ heart ached when he sensed the sadness his beloved was exuding, and he looked to his grandfather, speaking up for her with an indisputable tone. “It’s my call where and how my woman lives, so you don’t have to bother yourself with this.”

Livid, Remus struck the cane in his hand onto the floor with a thud and reprimanded through gnashed teeth, saying, “Nicholas, have you forgotten your obligations to the Sawyer Family as its patriarch?!”

Nicholas didn’t even spare Remus a glance. He turned to Tessa as soon as he was done speaking, only to be met with her worried gaze. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this.” He then cooed, “You don’t have to bother yourself with anything else either. You can continue to do whatever you like. As for the Sawyer Family, anyone who wants to inherit it can be my guest as far as I’m concerned.”

Clearly, Nicholas was directing his latter words at Remus, who was predictably livid.

Likewise, Tobias and Stefania weren’t happy either.

“This is absurd!” Tobias thundered.

However, Nicholas couldn’t care less about his parents and grandfather’s anger. “If being the patriarch of the Sawyer Family means that I can’t be with the woman I love, then I’d rather give up the spot,” he said plainly before taking a pause. “I’ve known that the entire Sawyer Family is my responsibility ever since I was a child, and I’ve never slacked even for a day. For this, I’ve sacrificed too many things, but I don’t want my happiness to also be one of them.”

Remus and the Sawyer couple were rendered at a loss for words, and it felt as if they had been choked after hearing Nicholas’ words.

Seeing so, Nicholas ordered with a deadpan face, “Kieran, please send Grandpa, Mom, and Dad back home.”

With that, he took Tessa out of the mansion without ever looking back at his family.

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