Always Been Yours

Chapter 760

Chapter 760

Chapter 760

Chapter 760 Scott’s Solo Recital

Kathleen’s failed attempt at winning Scott over got her in a horrible mood, and she only felt even more resentful when she saw Tessa, thinking this woman was the bane of her existence. After all, she was well aware that Scott had a thing for Tessa.

At the same time, it got her even more bewildered. She was clearly more outstanding than Tessa, but no matter who, their gazes would only ever land on that b*tch.

“What does that b*tch have that I don’t?!” Kathleen’s malicious gaze at Tessa grew increasingly hostile as she became angrier by the second.

Tessa naturally sensed Kathleen’s malice, but she turned a blind eye to it.

That night, dinner was ready by the time she arrived home after rehearsal.

While the family of three enjoyed a pleasant meal, Gregory related everything he did during the day to Tessa, who listened attentively with a smile and praised him every now and then. “That’s awesome, sweetheart.”

After dinner, the family of three took a stroll in the garden instead of retiring for the night.

Tessa and Gregory’s laughter reverberated through the garden as the two messed around.

Meanwhile, Nicholas stood aside and beamed as he watched with a gaze filled with nothing but affection and adoration.

Later, when they got tired, a servant escorted Gregory back to his room for a quick shower before bed.

On the other hand, Tessa and Nicholas snuggled up in bed after a quick shower.

Scott’s solo recital suddenly popped into Tessa’s head, and she brought it up with Nicholas. “Scott came to the orchestra today, and he invited me, Miss Hathaway, and the others to watch his solo recital.”

Nicholas didn’t give too much thought to it and nodded. “In that case, I’ll drive you there. Just give me a call when it’s almost over, and I’ll pick you up.”

Tessa’s heart swelled up with love upon hearing his words. “You’re the best, hubby.”

While speaking, she leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek.

After recovering from his split-second stump, Nicholas clasped Tessa’s waist and leaned in as he whispered, “Say that again.”

Clearly, he loved the term of endearment.

Tessa blushed, having a hard time repeating it since she had blurted out those words without realizing it.

Nicholas naturally knew she was abashed, and he inched closer, urging her with his deep, magnetic voice. He said, “One more time, hmm?”

However, she shook her head, her face now crimson.

Seeing how abashed his love was, he leaned in for a kiss, enamored.

She returned the kiss with closed eyes, and the two shared a passionate moment.

However, just as things were getting heated, he suddenly pushed her aside and headed into the bathroom again.

They couldn’t do anything since she was pregnant, and because of that, Nicholas suffered almost every day.

The following day, Nicholas picked Tessa up for dinner after her rehearsal before sending her to the theater entrance.

As it was approaching show time, many people had already arrived.

Nicholas couldn’t help enjoining Tessa with worry upon seeing the crowd. “Be careful when you go in. Don’t let them bump into you.”

“Don’t worry. I’m taking the VIP lane. It won’t be crowded,” said Tessa as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “I’m going in now. I’ll call you later, okay?”

He nodded as he saw his beloved out of the car.

After getting out of the vehicle, Tessa headed straight for the VIP lane only to be stopped by a young man in a suit. “Good evening, Miss Reinhart. I’m Mr. Brooks’ assistant, and Mr. Brooks has asked me to wait for you out here.”

Tessa was somewhat surprised, for she hadn’t expected Scott to send someone to escort her.

After giving her thanks, she followed the assistant inside and found that Hathaway and Kathleen had already arrived.

“Miss Hathaway, you guys are here early,” she greeted the mother and daughter with a smile.

“Well, we didn’t have anything better to do, so we came early,” Hathaway replied with a smile as she beckoned Tessa to sit beside her.

Kathleen’s hatred for Tessa grew as she watched the affectionate exchange. However, she said nothing.

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