Always Been Yours

Chapter 768

Chapter 768

Chapter 768

Chapter 768 How Can Her Life Be Better Than Her’s?

Something must’ve happened to Nicholas abroad. With that in mind, Wanda spoke to her assistant who was driving. “Find out what Nicholas is doing abroad and what is keeping him there for so long.”

After instructing her assistant to make it quick, she remembered that the Sawyers even made a big fuss and headed to where Nicholas was.

She was desperate to know what in the world had happened to Nicholas abroad, and she didn’t like being excluded either.

Hearing so, her assistant nodded in acknowledgment.

Meanwhile, it was time for Timothy to fly home. Tessa, Nicholas, and even Gregory saw him off at their airport.

Before parting, Timothy held his dear sister’s hand had exhorted worriedly, “Take good care of yourself. I’ll come and visit you as soon as I’m free.”

Tessa nodded in response and reminded him not to overwork himself.

After seeing Timothy off, Tessa returned to her usual practice days.

At this point, the orchestra was pretty much at the ready, and they began making arrangements for the concert at Yvetlava.

That night, Tessa brought the matter up after returning home. “The orchestra’s heading to Yvetlava in two days. Are you guys heading back or…”

“I’m going with you,” said Nicholas without a second thought.

As happy as Tessa was to hear him say so, she was still somewhat uncomfortable about it. “Is it really a good idea? What about the company?”

“Kieran’s overseeing it, so it’ll be fine. What’s more, I can only leave with an eased mind after you’re done with your concert.” Nicholas looked tenderly at his beloved.

“I want to see the concert too,” said Gregory.

Tessa said nothing more when her boys wished to follow.

After all, she hoped that Nicholas would go to Yvetlava with her too, for he had missed her first public performance. This time, she wished he would be there.

In fact, she wished Nicholas would be there to witness her every shining moment.

Time flew, and it came the day to head to Yvetlava.

As there were many of them, the orchestra flew in groups.

However, Tessa flew with Nicholas and Gregory. Nicholas even made quite a few arrangements beforehand, such as having a chef dedicated to taking care of Tessa’s meals in his mansion in Yvetlava, for he was worried that his woman couldn’t get used to the food there.

However, Mona knew nothing about it.

As Tessa’s friend, Mona knew about her pregnancy and would check in with her every now and then to see how she was doing. Now that they were in a different country, she was quite worried Tessa couldn’t get used to the food here.

“Tessa, how are you doing? Do you feel any discomfort?”

Tessa smiled affectionately at Mona’s genuine concern and reassured her, saying, “Thank you for looking out for me. I’m doing pretty okay, and the mister has even gone as far as bringing our chef over to take care of my diet.”

Mona swore she was turning into the green-eyed monster. “Jesus, Tessa. President Sawyer sure babies you.”

“He’s really sweet.” Tessa beamed with affection at the thought of Nicholas’ love and care for her, making Mona sigh irresistibly. “Seeing how in love you are is making me want to get myself a boyfriend.”

“Well, go on. By then, you’ll have someone who babies you too.” Although she knew that Mona was only joking, it still didn’t stop Tessa from teasing her.

Kathleen happened to be passing by while the two were engaged in their harmless banter, and she thought Tessa’s smile looked exceptionally jarring.

On what grounds was Tessa deserving of a better life than her? How was she any lesser than that b*tch?!

Kathleen grew angrier the more she thought about it, and in the end, she couldn’t stop herself from going to them. She scoffed and said, “I heard your laughs from miles away. Where do you think you guys are at? A playground? Those who don’t know might think you’re here for a vacation.”

On the other hand, Mona and Tessa dropped their smiles upon seeing Kathleen.

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