Always Been Yours

Chapter 779

Chapter 779

Chapter 779

Chapter 779 Kathleen’s Release

In the afternoon, Tessa and Mona went to the canteen to have their lunch when they met Scott unexpectedly. “Mr. Brooks? Why are you here?” Tessa looked at him in surprise.

Scott didn’t plan to hide from them and briefly explained the situation, “Kathleen couldn’t make it to the performance, so Miss Hathaway asked me to take her place.”

He then continued in worry, “I heard from Miss Hathaway about what happened that day. I can’t believe that Kathleen would do such a thing. Luckily, you’re fine.”

“Yeah, thank God my husband arrived on time, or I really don’t know what would’ve happened.” There was still fear on Tessa’s face when she talked about that day.

Seeing that, he felt bad for her. He didn’t want her to recall that event anymore, so he quickly changed the topic. “I went to the police station to meet Kathleen with Miss Hathaway the day before yesterday.”

“How is she?” Tessa was curious, for she didn’t care about this matter anymore ever since she sent Kathleen to the police station. She wanted to know whether Kathleen had realized her mistakes after such a long time.

Scott seemingly noticed what was on Tessa’s mind and he replied in disappointment, “She’s still the same, and she does not feel any remorse.”

“Kathleen is already used to being arrogant, so it’s impossible for her to admit to her mistake. Now that her patron is here, the chance is even slighter.” Mona sighed at the side as she felt that asking Kathleen to admit to her mistake was like nailing Jell-O to a tree.

Scott frowned too, for he knew a little about Kathleen’s father. Although her father looked gentle on the outside, he was actually an insolent man who would cover up his family’s wrongdoings no matter what.

“Kathleen’s father is really a powerful man who’s not to be trifled with. If he rushed here to deal with this, I think Kathleen would be released in no time.”

Hearing that, Tessa knitted her brows. She’s getting released so soon? It looks like her father really is something. However, what made her disappointed the most was that Kathleen was being released when she hadn’t even learned her lesson yet after doing such a terrible thing.

Mona was growing furious too. “It’s so unfair. Kathleen nearly killed Tessa, but she’s getting released so easily. She’ll definitely become more brazen in the future.”

Scott remained silent after that. He landed his gaze on Tessa, and he could tell that she was in a difficult position on this matter. However, at this moment, he didn’t know what more he could say.

That night, Tessa kept thinking about Kathleen’s release after rehearsals and went home gloomily.

When Nicholas noticed that his wife was unhappy, he pulled her to his side and asked with concern, “What’s wrong? Did someone upset you?”

“Kathleen’s father is in town. I heard that he’s not someone to be trifled with and that he can help Kathleen out of prison very soon,” she told him everything in a disgruntled tone. “I also heard that Kathleen didn’t even realize her mistakes while she was inside. If she’s being released now, it’ll only fuel her arrogance.”

Looking at her furious expression, he narrowed his eyes and said, “She wants to be released? It’ll depend on her father’s capability, then.”

Surprisingly, Rorion had that capability. Since he was a businessman, he had powerful connections that made it quite easy for him to control the police. He had only been in Yvetlava for two days, yet he

accrued enough money to pull his connections and save Kathleen. Meanwhile, the police also agreed to release her the next day.

However, he received bad news from his friend the next day. “The police have just informed me that they will not be releasing your daughter.”

“Why is that so? Didn’t we have a deal?” Rorion was exasperated, but it was understandable for him to be this furious since he had put in a lot of time and money for the past two days. If he couldn’t save his daughter, all his efforts would go to waste.

Although the friend didn’t like Rorion’s tone, since he had been paid, he suppressed his anger and explained, “The police didn’t tell me about the details either. They just told me that the people above suddenly have their eyes on this case and have ordered the rest to go by the book.”

“The people above? Why is this case suddenly under their radar?”

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