Always Been Yours

Chapter 788

Chapter 788

Chapter 788

Chapter 788 Shane Yates

Even though Edward was frightened by Nicholas’ wrath, he tried to console him. “Don’t worry, President Sawyer, for I have contacted Shane to come over, and I’m pretty sure Miss Tessa’s performance wouldn’t be affected.”

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Shane Yates was one of Nicholas’ men, and he was also a world-renowned doctor. Edward’s words helped to calm Nicholas down. In fact, he could bring Tessa over to the hospital, but he didn’t want to see her upset for missing the performance and blame herself for it after she was awake. Just like that, Nicholas stayed by her side while waiting for Shane’s arrival.

There was silence in the lounge. Nicholas stared at Tessa with a soft expression in his eyes. Just then, Hathaway rushed over after hearing the news.

“What happened to Tessa?” She was worried when she saw the unconscious Tessa.

“Rorion got someone to drug her, so they could kidnap her, but his plan was intercepted by my men.” Nicholas stared at her coldly while recollecting the incident.

Hearing that, Hathaway felt her heart sink. Nevertheless, she was most concerned about Tessa’s condition. “Mr. Sawyer, since she’s drugged, you should send her to the hospital. I’ll take care of the performance.”

Because of her words, his expression softened as he thought that Hathaway was a reliable instructor.

affected. But the order of the performance will have to be adjusted.”

“No worries. I’ll make the necessary arrangements.” Hathaway nodded and left the lounge.

Half an hour later, the door of the lounge was pushed open, and a man in a leather jacket walked in. He was a young man in his mid-20s who looked extremely handsome but with a slight evil vibe, and he gave off indescribable energy. This man was Shane Yates.

He was surprised to see how gentle Nicholas’ gaze was, as it was his first time seeing it. He looked over at Tessa curiously and felt that she was a beautiful lady. Alas, I see this is Mr. Sawyer’s cup of tea.

He then looked at Nicholas and greeted him. “Mr. Sawyer.”

“Come over and check on her. I want you to wake her up without hurting her,” Nicholas demanded as he moved over to make space for Shane.

After doing some simple checks, Shane turned over to look at Nicholas and said, “Miss Tessa was drugged with a substance in powdered form, which was inhaled through the nose. It’s simple to wake her up, as I can just administer some oral medication that will not harm her body.”

However, after he voiced his suggestion, it was refuted by Nicholas. “That won’t work since Tessa is now pregnant, so we shouldn’t simply give her any medication. Are there any other ways that don’t involve the administration of medication?”

Upon hearing that, Shane was surprised. She’s pregnant? That’s quick! Although he was surprised, he quickly snapped out of it and nodded. “There’s another way. We can use acupuncture to stimulate her acupuncture points.”

As he was speaking, he started preparing to perform acupuncture on her. Nicholas then stood to the side and watched quietly as Shane did the needle insertion. After a few minutes, Tessa slowly regained consciousness. When she opened her eyes and saw Shane, who was a stranger to her, she was in shock.

“Don’t touch me!”

She pushed Shane away in panic, then instinctively protected her stomach. Seeing that, Nicholas immediately went over and hugged the frightened Tessa in his arms. “Don’t be afraid. He’s the doctor I brought in, and you haven’t been taken away.”

When she heard his familiar voice, her flustered heart suddenly calmed down. She breathed a sigh of relief before withdrawing herself from Nicholas’ arms and turning her head to look at Shane apologetically. “Sorry, I was too nervous just now.”

“No worries. I totally understand,” he replied and stood aside.

Just then, Tessa suddenly remembered her performance. She grabbed Nicholas’ arms and asked nervously, “How long have I been unconscious? Has the performance started?”

“Don’t worry. The performance hasn’t started yet. I’ve asked Miss Hathaway to rearrange the performance order.”

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