Always Been Yours

Chapter 790

Chapter 790

Chapter 790

Chapter 790 Fans

Edward wasn’t enraged when he was faced with the haughty Rorion. He narrowed his gaze, seemingly unimpressed. “Is that so?” he asked.

“If you don’t want Miss Tessa to be hurt, I’d suggest you get Nicholas to release my daughter. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Rorion goaded, not knowing he was getting himself in danger.

“I’m curious about what you’re going to do to us. Right… President Sawyer wanted us to relay a message to you.”

“What is it? Don’t tell me he’s going to beg for mercy,” Rorion chided.

Edward stared at him coldly since he was as good as dead and reiterated, “President Sawyer asked us to extend his greeting to you.”

Right after, he shot a look at the bodyguards, and all of them surrounded Rorion and his men after getting the cue.

It startled Rorion, and as his gaze darkened, he asked, “Why, are you going to beat me up?”

Edward had gotten enough of Rorion’s provocation and signaled the bodyguards to attack them. A fight instantly broke out between the two parties. Although Rorion’s men looked tall and strong, they couldn’t be compared to the well-trained bodyguards. Within a few minutes, the bodyguards defeated Rorion’s man, and finally, it was Rorion’s turn. Unsurprisingly, he was battered. Finally, Edward asked the bodyguards to stop.

He then looked down at Rorion condescendingly and warned, “Keep in mind that these are the consequences for trying to harm Miss Tessa. If there’s a second time, you’ll get more than this!” Edward left with the bodyguards after that.

Rorion’s bloodshot eyes were filled with hatred as he stared at their backs. “You b*stards! I’ll get back at you next time!” he grumbled before asking his men to send him to the hospital.

Meanwhile, on the stage, Tessa was unaware of the commotion that happened backstage as she put her heart and soul into completing the performance. The result of the hard work that the orchestra members put in was displayed to the audience through their performance. Everyone was so in sync that the performance was smooth, and the transitions were done seamlessly, which resulted in a heavenly melody that completely entranced the audience. Among them, Tessa gave the most outstanding performance, which allowed more people to witness her talent.

That night, the more than two hours long performance ended with an ovation from the audience. Tessa and the orchestra members thanked the audience at the end of their performance. Then, as she was about to stand up, a familiar figure caught her attention. She was surprised to see Nicholas holding a bouquet of flowers and walking toward her.

“Congratulations! The performance is a successful and wonderful one.”

He looked at her lovingly as he passed the flowers to her.

Tessa was stunned but then immediately let out a big smile and chirped, “Thank you!”

The next second, Nicholas pulled her into his arms and planted a kiss on her cheek.

He then whispered in her ear, “You look stunning tonight, and you’re the brightest star on stage. Of course, you’re also the most important person in my heart!”

Hearing that, she was so touched that she tightened her embrace around him and smiled from ear to ear. The scene of both of them embracing was so beautiful and touching that the audience gave another round of thunderous applause.

After the performance ended, there was a celebratory party at the hotel, where the members of the orchestras stayed. Tessa followed Hathaway back to the hotel, and as she got down the car, she was surrounded by a crowd.

“Miss Tessa, can you please sign this for us?”

“Miss Tessa, your performance was outstanding.”

“Miss Tessa, can we please have a picture with you?”

Those were her fans that rushed over from the theater after seeing her outstanding performance. Tessa was surprised to see them as she never expected that her fans would come looking for her. However, she was patient with them and fulfilled each of their requests.

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