Always Been Yours

Chapter 793

Chapter 793

Chapter 793

Chapter 793 Please Have Mercy

‘I heard her live performance before. It’s not an exaggeration to say that her skills are heavenly.’

‘I am in love! I’ve decided that from today onward, she’s my idol.’

When Stefania saw the netizens holding Tessa in such high regard, she suddenly felt much better. She looked at the photo on the news. Tessa looks so… dignified. Actually, this girl has her own brilliance as well, and she isn’t as terrible as I originally thought.

Meanwhile, at Sawyer Residence, Remus also heard about Tessa making the news. He saw Nicholas sharing the article on Facebook, so he curiously tapped in to read. After reading the article, Remus snorted but didn’t say anything.

On the other side, Wanda also saw Nicholas’ Facebook post, which put her in a bad mood. “So you went abroad just to attend her concert?” she muttered to herself.

Then, she thought about how hard she tried to go back so that she could get closer to this man. However, this man had gone overseas for another woman.

Also, he even shared it publicly on Facebook, like some sort of announcement. It was obvious that Nicholas was deeply in love with Tessa, so deep in love that even Wanda found it unbelievable.

After all, in her view, Nicholas was high and mighty, esteemed and untouchable. Yet, he was now actually moved by someone to this extent.

For the next two days, Tessa stayed at home and spent time with Nicholas and Gregory. As for the orchestra, they stayed in Yvetlava for a few days before going back to Vienna as well.

However, Hathaway didn’t leave. After the show that day, she knew that Rorion was defeated by Nicholas and was sent to the hospital in the end.

When she thought about how Kathleen was still in prison, and because of Rorion’s outburst, this incident had turned into something she couldn’t interfere in, she was furious at Rorion. That day, she came to the hospital, deciding to have a proper talk with Rorion.

“Why are you here? To laugh at me?” When he saw Hathaway, his expression was foul.

She stood coldly in the middle of the ward as she announced, “I’m warning you that if you still want to save Kathleen, don’t cause Tessa any trouble again. She’s not someone you can mess with!”

“Impossible!” Kathleen was sent to prison because of this woman!

Rorion was also beaten up because of Tessa. The grudges just kept adding on, so he couldn’t just let Tessa and Nicholas off the hook.

He had never suffered such humiliation before. No matter what, he had to make Tessa and Nicholas pay! Looking at the stubborn man, Hathaway knew that nothing she said right now would work. In the end, she gave up on convincing Rorion and left the hospital right away.

Back in the car, Hathaway was in a terrible mood. Kathleen had been in prison for almost a week, and if this went on, her future would be in ruins. At that thought, she retrieved her phone from her bag.

She hesitated for a while, then humbled herself as she dialed the number.

“Mr. Sawyer, I want to have a talk with you.”

For some time, there was only silence on the other end of the line. Then, Nicholas’ cold voice went through. “Sure.”

Later in the day, the two met in a café. Nicholas sat expressionlessly on the couch, and contrary to his indifference, Hathaway was anxious.

Nicholas noticed her nervousness, and he knew full well why she had come to him. Even so, he had no intention of speaking up, so it was deathly silent in the private room.

A few minutes later, Hathaway seemed to have decided as she gritted her teeth and begged, “Mr. Sawyer, can you please have mercy on Kathleen and let her go?”

“You should know very well that I have already let her off the hook a few times.” Nicholas narrowed his eyes as he stared coldly at Hathaway.

An ashamed Hathaway couldn’t say anything in return. Yes, they have let Kathleen off the hook a few times by now. “Mr. Sawyer, I know this may be asking too much, but she’s the only daughter I have. I cannot—”

“She’s the only daughter you have, but Tessa is also the only wife I have, and she’s even pregnant with my child.”

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