Always Been Yours

Chapter 795

Chapter 795

Chapter 795

Chapter 795 Vacation

“It’s just an accident, don’t sweat it. Since we have time right now, let’s go on a vacation.” As Nicholas spoke, he pulled Tessa into his embrace to comfort her.

Tessa thought about it and had to agree as she nodded, saying, “Then where are we going?”

“We’ll go wherever you want. You call the shots.” Nicholas looked at Tessa lovingly.

The two locked gazes before leaning in closer to each other. As their lips met, the temperature in the room grew warmer. However, at the most crucial moment, Nicholas still suppressed himself and let go of Tessa.

As Tessa watched the man hurry to the bathroom, she couldn’t help but chuckle. In the bathroom, Nicholas stood under the cold shower, his eyes filled with exasperation as he listened to his wife’s giggles on the other side of the door.

The next day, the family finished their meal in peace. When Gregory knew that they were going on a vacation, he was overjoyed.

“Mommy, where are we going?”

Once in the car, Gregory eagerly asked Tessa about their destination. Tessa held the little guy in her arms as she said gently, “We’ll go to Macbridge first, then we’ll visit The Yvetlava Museum.”

Macbridge was the capital of Macbridgeshire in Yvetlava, and also where the University of Macbridge was located. It was the traditional college town of everyone’s dreams.

There were also many buildings preserved there which dated back to the Middle Ages, but Macbridge still looked bright and modern on the outside. Also, there were many facilities like theaters and art galleries, so this college town was filled to the brim with an artistic atmosphere.

Tessa took Gregory’s and Nicholas’ hands accordingly in each of her hands as they strolled around the area in a leisurely manner.

There were a number of tourists around them, chatting away happily in small groups. However, they were soon attracted to the outstanding good looks of Tessa and her family.

It was especially so for the adorable Gregory, whose cute looks captivated a number of people.

“Goodness, what an adorable child.”

“His parents are also a great match. They’re so good-looking.”

“Especially the father. Did you notice? He looks so gentle when he looks at the mother.”

Even though their voices were small, there were too many people around them, so Tessa and her family could still hear their whispers.

Nicholas smiled, seemingly in a good mood.

Gregory was overjoyed as well. After touring around Macbridge, it was almost noon, so the family had lunch at a local eatery.

In the afternoon, they went to The Yvetlava Museum. It was a comprehensive museum and also one of the largest and most well-known museums in the world. It housed a lot of artifacts and precious scripts from all over the world. It was one of the rarest museums in the world to have this much variety and extensiveness in its collection. Tessa was deeply captivated by the artifacts, and she was greatly moved.

In the next few days, the three toured various other destinations in Yvetlava. Tessa thought that they would stay in the country for a while, but on the third day, there was an accident.

Kieran called and told Nicholas that something urgent had cropped up in the company, so he had to go back immediately to handle it.

“I’ll go with you.” When Tessa heard the news, she immediately made the decision. After all, Nicholas’ wounds hadn’t recovered yet, so she was worried.

When they went back, it was already dark outside. Even so, Nicholas hurried back to the company as soon as he got off the plane. Of course, he didn’t forget to arrange for someone to take Tessa and Gregory home.

When the two reached home, Tessa took Gregory to wash up and go to bed in order to deal with the jetlag. Tessa also washed up, but she didn’t rest right away. Instead, she waited for Nicholas’ return in the living room.

Seeing that, Andrew couldn’t help but go over to her and say, “Miss Tessa, it’s already late, and you’re pregnant too, so you should go back to your room and rest up. Master Nicholas will be sad if he comes back and sees you still up so late at night.”

“I know. I’ll go upstairs to rest after a while. You don’t have to worry about me, Andrew. Go and rest.”

Perhaps because of Tessa’s sincerity, Andrew believed her and retired to his room, leaving only Tessa in the living room. She quietly awaited Nicholas on the couch.

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