Always Been Yours

Chapter 824

Chapter 824

Chapter 824

Chapter 824 Press Release

Nicholas noticed the crying had stopped and tightened his arms around Tessa before cooing, “Alright, alright. You can only cry so much.”

She sniffed and kept quiet, but it did not bother him as he continued, “I know that you’re sad, but don’t ever cry like this anymore. It pains me to see you like this. If you keep crying, the baby in your belly might turn into a crybaby.”

He then teased to make her smile. “If it’s a baby girl, I don’t mind, but if it’s a boy, he will be less of a real man.”

She could not help but imagine a baby boy with teary eyes, which elicited a smile on her face. Needless to say, the change in her mood did not go unnoticed by Nicholas.

He let out a silent sigh of relief. “Don’t worry about it. At least the both of you separated ways on good terms. It’s for the best.”

“You’re right. That will be for the best.” Tessa nodded approvingly.

Although she had nothing to do with the incident, Kathleen was Hathaway’s only daughter regardless. Tessa initially thought Hathaway would resent her. However, to her surprise, they separated ways on good terms instead of becoming nemesis. It was not that bad of an ending.

After calming herself down, she felt her eyes stinging. Her eyes were swollen due to the long crying. As such, Nicholas asked the maid to bring over two hard-boiled eggs.

“Never cry like this in the future, okay?” he said gently while helping her to relieve the swelling with the eggs.

Noticing the concern on his expression, the knot in her heart slowly untangled. In actuality, it was good now that she had more time to accompany Nicholas and the baby from now on.

Later, the news reached Mona’s ears and she rang Tessa to make sure she was fine.

“Tessa, I’ve read the announcement from the band. Don’t… Don’t be too sad about it.”

“I’m alright. Don’t worry about me.” Knowing that her best friend was worried about her, Tessa felt the warmth creeping into her heart.

As her voice sounded as usual, Mona heaved a sigh. “No matter what, take care of yourself. You’re pregnant. Even if you’ve left the band, you will always be amazing and dazzling wherever you go with that talent of yours.”

“I’ll take good care of myself. Do your best in the band!”

“That is for sure. I’ll invite you to my concert in future! Although you’re not one of us, we must still stay in touch, promise?”

Tessa gave her word and they continued the conversation a little longer before hanging up the phone.

Soon after that, she began to receive calls from the Group Two members, who attempted to buoy her up after seeing the announcement. They basically told her that it was not her fault and asked her not to take it to heart as well as to ignore the Group One members’ nonsense.

Due to Kathleen’s incident, Nicholas planned to take Tessa back to the country. The news of her leaving the band had spread amongst the media outlets too.

‘Shocking news! The newcomer violinist known as the virtuoso—Tessa Greyson is discarded by Hathaway Philharmonic. Once an ally, now a foe.’

Many people were bewildered by the mind-boggling news. After all, Hathaway appeared to value Tessa a lot. Yet, the both of them cut ties after merely a few days. The curiosity led them into clicking onto the article, only to be incensed.

It was because the press released the news of Kathleen’s death and put the blame on Tessa; every single line was chiding her for forcing Kathleen to death while disregarding the relationship she had with Hathaway.

‘How can someone cruel like her exist in this world? Is this the adaptation of ‘The Farmer and the Viper?’

‘Tessa is a thankless wretch! Hathaway treated her so well, though. Even if she’s ungrateful to her, how could she indirectly force her daughter to death?’

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