Always Been Yours

Chapter 855

Chapter 855

Chapter 855

Chapter 855 Reborn Anew

Mona had genuinely thought of Tessa as her friend, yet the others around her thought she was just putting on an act as they echoed Cindy’s statement at her.

Just as the crowd was about to get rowdy, Hathaway finally spoke up to reprimand them. “Everyone, shut up!” The group instantly fell into silence upon her words. Then, with an unfavorable gaze on Cindy, she said, “Mona is right about one thing: since you still have many shortcomings, rather than using the time to talk behind someone’s back, you should be reflecting and improving yourself instead!”

At this point, Cindy’s expression grew awful, but she reined back her emotions, as she didn’t dare to talk back at Hathaway. “I understand.” Though she had said so, her glare at Mona remained vicious as ever.

Pretending not to have noticed the glare at her, Mona continued her meal.

The others also went on with their meal without making any more remarks.

Later that evening, after Tessa was done accompanying Sofia for dinner, she asked to take an early leave with Gregory in tow. “Miss Sofia, it’s getting late. Do you mind if I leave with Greg now?” While she said that, the sleepy and tired Gregory yawned several times as he leaned against Tessa in her arms. Feeling sorry for the child, Sofia gestured her acceptance in allowing the mother and son to go home.

Just when Tessa had finished putting Gregory in bed after they got back home, she received a video call from Nicholas.

“How was today?”

“It was okay.” With a smile, Tessa shared today’s events, but briefly paused when she got to the part where she had dinner with Sofia.

Noticing that something was amiss, Nicholas asked in concern, “What’s wrong? Did something upset you?”

“I wouldn’t say so. It’s just that I ran into Hathaway when I was having dinner with Miss Sofia. I… I guess I’m upset. Although she seems to be in good health, she has lost a lot of weight.” Tessa told Nicholas her thoughts.

Nicholas reassured, “Don’t think too much about it. Let bygones be bygones. You have no need to blame yourself here.”

“I know. I’m already letting it go now. You don’t have to worry. I’m just feeling a little sentimental at the moment.”

Only when Nicholas noticed that his wife didn’t seem to be sad from the video did he give a nod. As he didn’t want to continue the topic, he brought up a new topic with a smile. “I’m planning to come over and see both you and Greg at the end of the month.”

Hearing Nicholas’ news, Tessa instantly cheered up and got excited, as the end of the month just so happened to be Nicholas’ birthday as well.

Meanwhile, in a villa in the suburbs.

Kathleen, who had now changed her name to Susan, was staring gloomily at her reflection in the mirror with a wry smile. The reflection in the mirror wasn’t the appearance of the old Kathleen, but someone different entirely, as she was wearing a new ‘mask’ made according to her demands.

Right now, she had a beautiful face, long golden curly hair, and a pair of amber eyes that looked pure yet seductive, as though they were made by fusing both an angel and devil. Furthermore, she had isolated herself in the villa this entire time to adapt to her new identity and change both her habits and hobbies that belonged to Kathleen in order to keep others from suspecting her identity.

“Tessa Reinhart, I’ll be coming after you for my revenge soon,” she said, her tone filled with malice, as she traced her fingers on her reflection in the mirror.

Just then, a knock on the door interrupted Susan’s thoughts. “Miss, Mister Rorion asked for you to come down for dinner.”

“I hear you.”

A few minutes later, Susan sat down at the table and started eating the dishes she once hated expressionlessly.

Looking at his newly transformed daughter, Rorion nodded in relief, as she no longer resembled Kathleen in the slightest now. After taking a sip of wine, he asked, “Now that you’ve thoroughly adapted to your new identity, what will your plans from now on be?”

“Plans?” Susan stopped eating and narrowed her eyes. As her eyes grew gloomy and dark, even her father could not fathom a guess at what she was thinking. After a brief moment of silence, she then asked, “What is Tessa up to these days?”

As Rorion immediately knew what his daughter was planning, he went on and told Susan about everything that had happened to Tessa recently.

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