Always Been Yours

Chapter 967

Chapter 967

Chapter 967

Chapter 967 A Mole in Sofia Symphony

As soon as it was published, the netizens immediately saw it. Most didn’t believe it; someone even asked Vernon to expose the whistleblower.

When he saw that the hype was dying down, he posted again. ‘The person who sent me the tune is none other than an insider from Sofia Symphony.’ There was another uproar on the Internet when the post was up.

‘What is going on? Are they plagiarizing each other’s songs?’

‘No way! Vernon must be trying to slander them! If a theft occurs between the members of Sofia Symphony, they won’t blow it up like this.’

‘The person above is making sense. A statement from a man with no credibility also gives the post no credibility. When Vernon saw that the netizens were doubting him, he was prepared with plan B.

He posted a video of himself meeting Richelle, and the trend of the public’s opinion on the Internet immediately changed. ‘Oh my God, it turns out the members of Sofia Symphony are really stealing things from each other. What is going on?’

‘What else could it be? There must be an internal fight.’

‘No one knows what’s really going on. So let’s not speculate, everybody.’

‘I think it’s better to let them come out with their own explanation.’

As soon as this remark came out, many netizens went to tag Sofia Symphony on their official account.

After all, Sofia Symphony had never had such a scandal before. So naturally, everyone, especially the Sofia Symphony fans, wanted an explanation.

Tessa had been silently watching the situation on the Internet unfold.

When she saw that everyone began questioning the orchestra and teachers, she immediately used her verified account to speak up.

‘I am the original composer of the song. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, but my teacher is completely unaware of this. I hope all of you will not implicate other orchestra members.’

As soon as she posted this, those who kept up with the issue immediately forwarded it. In a quick second, the post gained a lot of attention.

‘Isn’t this Virtuoso from some time ago? So, she’s the original composer.’

‘I just want to know what the hell is going on here!’

‘Me too! After all, Sofia Symphony has always been a well-known and harmonious orchestra group. There has never been such a scandal before.’

Alas, no matter how many times they tagged Tessa, she did not reply.

Richelle was also aware of the turmoil on the Internet. The instant she saw that Tessa had spoken up, she had no choice but to put up an apology statement online with gritted teeth.

‘I’m sorry that I’ve disappointed all of you. I was deceived into doing such a stupid thing. I am very remorseful right now, and I’m very grateful for Miss Sofia and Miss Tessa’s kindness so as to not hold it against me.’

As Richelle was already a veteran of the orchestra and had a lot of fans of her own, the comments she received were mixed.

Her fans felt that for their idols to have the courage to own up for their mistakes would mean that they were good people and worthy of forgiveness.

Regardless, it was only natural that Tessa’s fans disagreed with that attitude.

Although Tessa didn’t have many performances, she still had a group of die-hard fans.

There were also opinions from fans of other orchestras as well.

They felt that Richelle had tarnished Sofia’s reputation and went on a crusade on the Internet.

‘What’s the use of regret when you already did what you did?’

‘People like you are a disgrace to the Sofia Symphony. You don’t deserve to be in there.’

‘Although our idol is okay with you, it doesn’t mean we don’t care.’

When Richelle saw these comments, she was filled with discomfort and continued apologizing.

However, maybe it was her good nature to admit her mistakes; the netizens gradually turned back to bash Vernon instead.

After all, compared to Richelle, Vernon did not admit to his wrongs. And for them, this was unacceptable behavior.

‘How can you take someone’s thing and use it just like that? How disappointing.’

‘For a man your age, you sure don’t have any shame. It’s disgusting.’

‘If you’re talentless, don’t try to get into the music industry. Do you take us as fools?’

The netizens did not spare Vernon any mercy.

On the contrary, Tessa was experiencing a whole different phenomenon.

The comments under her post were all sorts of flattery.

For example, her fans were all singing her praises.

‘Tessa, you’re amazing!’

‘My students are naturally incredible.’

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