Always Been Yours

Chapter 999

Chapter 999

Chapter 999

Chapter 999 The Full Moon in the Dark Night

“Okay, let’s go together.” Tessa looked at the little guy dotingly. At the same time, Kieran was listening to his assistant’s report with a serious expression at the Sawyer Group vice president’s office.

“Latest update from the police—the bank remittances of those kidnappers were from abroad. It will take a while for the police to figure out the source of the fund. As for the car you were in that night, I found it was a rental car, but the registered information was fake.” After the assistant finished speaking, he looked at Kieran with some unease.

Not surprisingly, Kieran did not take the report well because all the clues he gathered did not lead anywhere. “What about the guy who kidnapped me at the lounge? Did you find him?”

“No clue about him yet.” The assistant shook his head. Kieran’s face turned grimmer as he heard that. Then, finally, he motioned for his assistant to leave and picked up the phone on the table to call his brother.

“What’s the matter?” Nicholas asked.

Kieran replied in a depressing tone, “I followed your instructions to investigate, but now everything is at a dead end.” He mentioned all the information that the assistant had passed along and sighed. “The way these people work is not only watertight but also very cautious.”

Nicholas could not agree more, and because of this, he paid more attention to this kidnapping incident. But, unfortunately, the other party had a premeditated plan, and it was difficult to tell if there would be a second time. “Give me the bank accounts of those criminals and the photos of the man who escaped. I’ll ask someone to investigate.”

Kieran agreed and immediately forwarded the information.

After hanging up the phone, Nicholas handed over the matter to Edward to investigate.

The following day after having breakfast, Tessa took Greg to the orchestra. After she finished her training routine, she went to find Sofia.

“Sofia.” Tessa knocked on the door and walked in. Unexpectedly, Kellen was also there, so she politely addressed him, “Hey, Kellen.”

Sofia smiled faintly when she saw Tessa and asked, “What brings you here?”

Just before Tessa could answer, she was preempted by Kellen. “I think Tessa’s here for the theme song.”

Since Kellen had helped her start the topic, she merely continued, “Sofia, which of these songs do you think is the best fit for a theme song?”

“There are three genres here. Since it is the theme song we’re talking about, it must be more dignified, so let’s not choose anything that’s too childish. As for the remaining two genres, which one do you think you prefer more?” Sofia already helped Tessa eliminate one option and threw the question back to Tessa. Of course, Sofia was actually trying to test Tessa.

After all, Tessa would eventually choose to be a composer, so she must know to appreciate her own songs. Besides, Sofia had given her a hint. Tessa knew what Sofia was thinking and lowered her head as she took a moment for herself.

It did not take her long to make up her mind. Finally, she looked up and said, “Let’s go with the song, ‘The Full Moon in the Dark Night’.” This song was composed by her one night as she admired the ancient buildings in Vienna. Hence, the style of the music was very atmospheric and dignified, which also met Sofia’s requirements.

Sofia nodded in satisfaction. She then reminded Tessa a few more things about the performance before letting the two leave.

Kellen stopped Tessa on the way out.

“What’s the matter, Kellen?” She looked over suspiciously.

Kelle smiled and said, “Just wanna ask if you have any friends you want to invite to the show? I still have a few tickets left.”

“I need two more.” Tessa wanted to give one to Mona and the other to Scott. Undoubtedly, both of them helped her a lot when composing her pieces.

That afternoon, after sending Greg home, Tessa planned to ask Mona out and give her the ticket. However, Mona had to train and did not have time to meet her.

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