An Owl's Rise

Chapter 143 143 Fight For The Float Stone

Chapter 143 143 Fight For The Float Stone

Being surrounded by five powerful foxes that were all well above her rank Evelyn started to feel quite nervous.

She had come prepared to fight but seeing the force in front of her she now really understood how powerful they were.

But if she allowed her fear to show it could tip them off, so she did her best to suppress it and waited for them to pull out their map.

Soon enough the leader of their group who was a large fox with platinum fur pulled out their group's map and laid it out for Evelyn to look at.

"Here you go little lost owl. Our current location is right here. I hope this helps you out." The lead fox said.

Nodding her head, Evelyn thanked her for helping her out, and began examining the map.

It was quite similar to the one that her group had, but the areas that had far more details were different. With the foxes' territory begin filled in with a good amount of information.

For the area given to the crows and the owls there were only major landmarks, but this was still enough to get a rough estimation of where everything in her surroundings were.

"Yes, this has been very helpful. I at least know generally where I am and the direction of my base camp now. Thank you very much."

A moment later though, a loud explosion rocked the sky high above them and all of the foxes simultaneously looked up.

They could feel the power coming from this magic and watched as a huge fire ball began descending down on them.

Immediately they began preparing their defenses to block this sudden attack which they could tell came from a beast at least as strong as their leader.

Yet this was the signal for Evelyn to make her move.

It made complete sense for the foxes to turn their undivided attention towards an attack that was coming from a much stronger source than the owl before them who was supposedly their ally.

And in that moment, Evelyn unleashed all she had in the strongest attack she could muster at a moment's notice.

Her crimson flames burst out of her body and were wrapped up in a torrent of wind that stocked and spread them out with extreme speed and force.

At the same time, she lowered the gravity to a point greater than she ever had, exceeding her former limits in this moment where she unleashed her all and made everything experience four and a half times more gravitational force than normal.

This prevented the foxes from using their high agility to escape, and one of them even fell over as the ground beneath him melted and broke apart.

Then to make matters worse for them, the huge fire ball from above smashed into the swirling explosion of fire Evelyn had created, and the two powers mixed together into a massive inferno that covered the area.

A few moments later four figures jumped out of the blaze that had engulfed them.

However, while they had managed to survive the surprise attack on them, each of these four foxes were injured. Even the leader of this group.

There was simply no way that they could have been prepared for such an attack to come from a fiend beast, and the fox with gray fur that originally met with Evelyn was missing one of its front limbs that had been burned to ash.

Though while these four managed to survive, albeit with serious burns. One of their members had not been so lucky, and never came out of the inferno that had just appeared.

Before they had time to really comprehend what was going on, two more owls swooped down from the sky and aimed for the foxes that were most injured.

In the next moment the moonlight seemed to shift around the foxes' leader and phantom images of her group appeared around her.

This allowed them to avoid the sudden attack from Anneli and Katrina as they were unable to pinpoint which were the real foxes.

"I recognize you two. You are the ones that showed up a few days ago." The leader snarled at them both.

She was a rare exception that had learned to actually speak using magic and glared with murderous intent in her eyes.

It was quite clear what was going on here now that these two had revealed themselves and after such a blatant attack.

"To think that you would use some fined beast as a distraction and blow her up as a sneak attack. You owls must be rotten to the core." She spat.

Except Anneli and Katrina just smiled, and an instant later the supposedly dead fiend beast flew out of the inferno that was dying down with the charred corpse of the fox that had not escaped in her talons.

All of the foxes looked at this in disbelief as there simply should have been no way for Evelyn to survive begin in the center of that attack.

Even the leader of the foxes doubted she could have survived being in Evelyn's place.

What she had done should have been a suicide attack that left her nothing but ash, yet she did not even have a scorch mark on her.

'Found them.' Both Anneli and Katrina thought at the same time.

They had been using these couple of moments to pinpoint where the foxes really were with their keen hearing and swooped towards their prey.

Anneli went right for the leader while Katrina attacked towards the other two peak awakened beasts.

They were still outnumbered after their surprise attack, but their enemies were shaken and injured, so as long as they acted fast, they would have the advantage.

'Nope you are my opponent.'

Flying forward Evelyn unleashed a number of wind blades towards the gray furred fox who had tired to attack Anneli from behind as she fought the foxes' leader.

The gray furred fox was barely able to dodge the attack by skidding to a halt with its now three legs and jumping back as the wind blades carved into the earth.

Seeing this happen the gray furred fox went wide eyed as these wind blades certainly could have hurt him, and it did not seem possible that they could come from a fiend beast.

Evelyn quickly interposed herself in between this fox and the battles that were now going on between Anneli and the foxes' leader, and Katrina and the other two.

It was clear that she was saying that if this gray furred fox wanted to join that battle, he wound have to get by her.


Quickly accelerating to the side Evelyn just barely managed to avoid being ensnared by a chain that shot out of the ground bellow her.

It had seemed to come out of nowhere, and at first Evelyn thought that it was metal magic similar to Rehni's.

Yet as she looked closely it definitely had a different appearance than metal and had a far less solid look.

Little whisps of the chain were even floating off of it, and it only took Evelyn a few moments to notice what it was.


Witnessing this, she was a bit taken aback since she had never seen or heard of smoke magic.

However, she did remember that when she first learned about the magic in this world that it was not confined to just the normal elemental affinities but to pretty much anything.

In a similar way her gravity magic existed in the same vein as this fox's smoke magic in that it was not something normally acquired.

Still, while she was a little caught off guard by the chain of smoke that appeared, it did not really make much of a difference.

Evelyn knew she needed to win this fight, and no matter what sort of tricks this fox pulled out all she had to do was counter them and come out victorious.

'Jet Javelins.'

Creating one of her signature attacks she fired off the half dozen javelins of fire wrapped in wind.

They flew at a blistering speed and headed fright for her opponent.

Of course, he was not going to just sit there and take it, and before the flaming javelins reached him, a smokescreen shot up around his body. josei

Six bright flashed and resounding explosions went off in the area of the smokescreen, and right after Evelyn backed off and waited to see what was going on.

Except as she waited for the fox's next attack, nothing came, and she suddenly had a bad premonition.

Flapping her wings rapidly she crated a huge gust of wind that blew away the smoke.

When it was gone, she saw that the fox had multiple empty potion bottles at its feet and had just ripped out a piece of paper from a notebook.

A moment later the paper folded itself up into the form of a bird and went flying away towards the innermost area of the foxes' territory.

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