An Owl's Rise

Chapter 253 253 A Tyrant While Training

Chapter 253 253 A Tyrant While Training

With Katrina graciously giving them the first move, Evelyn, Bylur, and Rehni moved into position and prepared to attack.

They certainly did not need to worry about hurting their current opponent and had decided to launch the strongest combination attack they currently had at their disposal.

To begin Rehni created a large ball of metal that was nearly ten feet in diameter.

Following up, Bylur encased the ball in a thick sheet of ice until it was shaped like a spearhead.

Then finally, having created a twister around herself, Evelyn pulled the combination of ice and metal into a wind tunnel and accelerated it to an incredible speed.

The force behind this attack was certainly enough to injure even a tyrant rank beast such as Katrina and had been launched at a close enough range that she would find it difficult to avoid it.

Yet she did not even flinch and held up her right arm which was pulsating with electricity.

With a single flick she sent out two bolts of electricity that cut through the ice that Bylur had surrounded the ball of metal in and made its form far less threatening and aerodynamic.

After that she used a power Evelyn had never seen before. Waves of electromagnetic energy shot out from her hand and began repulsing the metal that made up the core of Evelyn's, Bylur's, and Rehni's attack.

By the time it had reached her it had already lost around seventy percent of its momentum.

But despite it seemingly like it would still hit Katrina, it began to bend around her when it got within five feet.

The metal ball that had only bits of shattered ice still attached to it began rotating around Katrina like a moon, and when it had built up sufficient power, she launched it right back where it had come.

It took all three of them working together, but Evelyn, Bylur, and Rehni managed to stop the remains of their own attack that had been sent back at them. josei

Except while it may have seemed that Katrina had simply overpowered them with greater magical energy, she had actually used only around the same level as they had. Staying well under her full force.

Had she been serious she could have easily reflected the attack without first having to weaken it.

"That was an impressive attack in terms of its power, but your coordination is sloppy at best. A combination attack should not be so easily broken apart. All I need to do was disrupt the induvial elements of the attack and it became far too easy for me to send right back towards you." Katrina said, a disappointed expression on her face.

After giving her criticism she gave Evelyn, Bylur, and Rehni no time to rest. Swiftly holding up her hand and launching a bolt of lighting towards the ceiling where it broke apart into hundreds of sparks that began raining down on the area.

To block this attack all three of them deployed a magical energy barrier around themselves.

Yet the moment they did, Katrina flew right towards them and began shattering their barriers.

In order to dodge the rain of electric sparks they had to take evasive maneuvers as Katrina would destroy any sort of defenses that they put up.

'Damn she is fast. Without using all three of my magic affinities at the same time I cannot even keep up at all.' Evelyn thought as her barrier was broken by a single punch for the third time.

Without anything to shield her from the sparks coming down all around her, she got shocked multiple times when she messed up on her evasion.

And every time her body sized up and spasmed from the electricity coursing through her she lost her composure and got shocked again multiple times before managing to find an area with less electricity coming down.

Rehni was doing quite well, using her metal magic to create thin wires that carried the electricity away from her which Katrina could not destroy fast enough.

Bylur though, was having the roughest time of it.

His body was around three times bigger than Evelyn's or Rehni's and he was currently on the floor being shocked over and over without any way to dodge.

Once the rain of lightning ended Evelyn and Rehni moved towards Bylur to help him up, only to find several balls of lightning surrounding them once they had gotten close to their fallen ally.

"Did you all think that I was doing nothing while flying all around and breaking your barriers?" Katrina said, a smirk on her face.

With he quick snap of her fingers she detonated the balls of lightning encircle Evelyn, Rehni, and Bylur.

A bright flash blinded all of them, and Evelyn felt her entire body begin to seize up.

She felt a heavy thud a moment later and it was clear that she had slammed into eh ground.

'Ow, ow, ow! Why does getting hist by lightning magic always hurt so much.' Evelyn thought while involuntarily twitching on the ground.

Unable to move at all she took in what she could see in front of her, and it did not bode well.

While she had managed to stay conscious even if she was momentarily paralyzed, Bylur and Rehni had been knocked out cold.

Their team had been completely and utterly defeated by Katrina.

The worst part was only her last attack was done with any level of seriousness. Overall, she had been going fairly easy on them.

It was only now that Evelyn realized just how much she relied on using all three of her powers in conjunction.

Using only her wind magic she had not been able to do much of anything against Katrina.

"Oh, looks like you managed to stay awake. At least your durability is still pretty good." Katrina said the instant she landed next to Evelyn.

After just twenty seconds she was able to move her body again, and within a minute she was standing back up.

Bylur and Rehni on the contrary, were still unconscious.

"Well, when they wake up make sure to give them some potions Evelyn, and then we can go again."

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