An Owl's Rise

Chapter 372 372 Going Their Own Ways

Chapter 372 372 Going Their Own Ways

After spending a few days recovering and getting ready, Evelyn, Bylur, Rehni, Aralee, Verrader, and Lucia left the Elmot Gorge and headed for the Forest of Giants.

Luckily their journey was uneventful and the six of them arrived outside the entrance to the Verdant Warlord's Domain.

"If you look closely, you can see the sentinels that guard the place. They don't block your way if you have already beaten them before, but any new entrant has to at least prove their strength and skills are at a bare minimum level." Evelyn explained.

In response Lucia nodded her head and jumped down from the branch that they were using as a vantage point.

When she approached the doorway that led to the warp portal into the domain, the two sentinels came to life and attacked.

However, the magical energy emanating from the wooden knights was far greater than it had been before. It seemed that when faced with a higher-ranking entity they buffed themselves up to make the battle more challenging.

Still, Lucia had carefully plotted out her course to make sure she gained the absolute greatest amount of strength she possibly could.

If she had wanted to, she could have already ascended to the sovereign rank, but she was holding out in order to find the catalysts she would need to achieve the most powerful evolution possible. She was not about to lose to these two constructs that lacked the quality she had attained.

"Prismatic Drill."

Without moving from the spot, she stood in Lucia pointed one of her hands at each of the wooden knights and unleashed her magic.

Rainbow colored lights formed a ball in each of her hands before coiling around and firing.

Each of the beams of light that had taken on the destructive properties of a drill impacted the guardians of the Verdant Warlord's domain and blasted through them.

It was a devastating attack that happened in an instant and made Evelyn and her companions go wide eyed.

'I knew she was strong, but that was.'

At a loss for words Evelyn could only stare down at Lucia in awe. Sure, her magic was not at the same level of Melisandre's, but Evelyn's master had an entire rank above Lucia.

During the battle between the Roost and the Tyrannis Union, Evelyn had fought an individual around the same rank and tier as Lucia, but that man that could turn his body gigantic did not hold a candle to Lucia. 

Of course, for anyone that saw Evelyn in action, they would have the same reaction. For her rank and tier, she sat well above the curve and could even be said to have exceeded the normal peak of her level thanks to the Aethersphere and her heavenly flame.

"Oh, these are some pretty tough constructs." Lucia said, seeing the Wooden knights still moving despite the holes in their torsos.

Nevertheless, the damaged sentinels stood no chance against Lucia, and she quickly dispatched them with her magic.

After she had completed the trail, Evelyn and her companions flew down from the trees they were perched in and landed next to Lucia.

"We'll lead the way." Evelyn said.

Lucia enthusiastically responded and hastily walked closely behind Evelyn.

When they reached the warp portal the six of them stood on it and waited until they were enveloped by light.


As their vision returned to them, Evelyn and her companions looked around to see a familiar crystal dome, while Lucia marveled at her first sight of the domain.

Soon the vestige of the Verdant Warlord appeared and gave Lucia the same information that he had told Evelyn and her group upon their first arrival.

Once that was done, the six of them were free to move about the first floor of the domain.

"I suppose that collecting enough tokens for all of us to reach the second level should be our first course of action." Evelyn said, taking the lead.

Yet, before she could take off into the air to show Lucia around, the higher rank beasts stopped her.

"Actually, I think that I will explore this place on my own. I want to learn what it has to offer with my own efforts." Lucia said, looking starry eyed.lightsnovel

"Are you sure? I know that you are stronger than any of us, but this place is dangerous. Some of the monsters that inhabit this forest are difficult to deal with alone." Rehni said, worried that Lucia might be overconfident.

"Yeah, plus how are we going to work on teamwork together if you are doing your own thing." Bylur said.

Lucia, though, was not going to budge.

"Certainly, we have an alliance and I plan on working together with all of you, but right now it would be impossible for us to work as a team. I am simply too much stronger than any of you. Plus, I think that your group might be a little too reliant on teamwork."

"What do you mean? Naturally we are stronger together than alone." Aralee said, wearing a confused expression.

Likewise, Evelyn and the rest of her compassion were bewildered. As a group they had bested far stronger foes by combining their powers and wits.

"Don't get me wrong, there is strength to be found in a coordinated group, but it is important to not get too reliant on it. If you only fight as a team, you will lose your edge when you inevitably end up alone. On the battlefield, the only one you can truly count on is yourself. If you can't hold your own, you are going to get yourself or someone else killed." 

Evelyn winced as she heard this. Otis had gotten killed for this very reason. She had been expecting him to watch her back and he ate an attack that was meant for her.

Had she been more attentive, maybe he would still be alive.

"You're right. We've had times when we were forced to fight alone, but our goal was always to link back up as soon as possible. Perhaps we should all try to go it alone and build up our personal strengths." Evelyn said, a resolute gleam in her eyes. 

The others looked hesitant to agree, especially Bylur. 

It was not long ago that Evelyn was in a terrible mental state where she was ready to end her own life. Her companions were afraid that she might slip back into a depression if she was alone.

However, Verrader could see the strength in her eyes and understood her position better than any of the others.

"I think that Evelyn and Lucia are right. We need to get stronger even if we have to struggle alone. In fact, I don't think I can stay with all of you. Not until I have redeemed myself." Verrader declared.

At this everyone turned towards with shocked looks on their faces. They could not understand why he wanted to leave their group right now.

"It is my fault that the Roost got destroyed and so many, including Otis, died. Had I never been tempted to work for my mas-, I mean the leader of the Deamhain Sect, everything would still be normal for everyone. The Roost would still be safe and none of you would have gone through that tragedy." 

Just like Evelyn, Verrader felt a crush guilt weighing down on him for his own contributions in the fall of the Roost.

While he had renounced his position as spy, ultimately it was the magic item smuggled in through his body that gave the Tyrannis Union the ability to strike the Roost.

"Brother, you know that none of us blame you, right? You were forced to work for that man. Had you not done as he said you would have been killed. What happened was a tragedy, but you had no idea that thing unwillingly placed into your body would allow the Tyrannis Union to attack us. Even the greatest mind in the Roost were unable to figure out that magic item. There is nothing you could have done." Aralee said, wanting to comfort her brother and prevent him from leaving.

Still, he did not feel that he could continue to be a part of their group. Not so long as he felt unworthy.

Evelyn herself was conflicted about what to do. She didn't want Verrader to go either, but she could tell that he was serious. Forcing him to stay would only hurt him.

"Okay, Verrader, you are no longer part of our team, Go and do what you feel you must, and when you are ready, you can rejoin us." Evelyn said, having made her decision.

Verrader looked relieved when he heard this and thanked his older sister for her consideration.

"Well, that settles that." Lucia said, clapping her hands to gather everyone's attention. "Now, this is just my proposal and anyone who wants to can ignore it, but I think we should go our separate ways until all of you have reached the tyrant rank. Once that goal has been achieved, we can all gather together again and discuss our next moves. Of course, we will need to stay in contact to some degree, but for the most part we should all operate alone."

With Evelyn and Verrader's swift agreement to Lucia's plan, Bylur, Rehni, and Aralee agreed, albeit reluctantly. Even if the three of them stuck together it would not be the same and only undermine the point of this training.

"Evelyn, if you get badly injured, or just need someone to talk to, please reach out to me. I will make sure to be there." Bylur said.

The others offered her similar sentiments as they were worried about her, and Evelyn nodded her head in agreement.

After that, the six of them turned in different directions and set off on their own to gain the power they sought.

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