An Owl's Rise

Chapter 80 80 The Alchemy Hall (3)

Chapter 80 80 The Alchemy Hall (3)

Heading over to where Melisandre was, Evelyn looked out towards the owl that was in the middle of creating some sort of alchemical connection.

However, while this owl was visible, he was encased in a sturdy blast resistant glass box that was used when working with materials that might explode.

"Oh, he just but in the volcanvine fruit. This will be interesting, that could easily explode." Melisandre said mostly to herself, but Evelyn heard due to the magical thread connecting them.

Naturally Melisandre knew exactly what this owl at the mid-tier of the awakened beast rank was making, but Evelyn was none the wiser.

"What is he making?" Evelyn asked her curiosity overflowing as she watched the fruit that looked like a large spikey tomato get put into the caldron.

"It is a powerful one-off explosive. Though no one often tries to make it since it can easily go off during the creation process. But it is one of the best alchemical weapons for an awakened beast, since even one at the peak would not be able to take the explosion unscathed most of the time." Melisandre said with an intrigued look.

She then went on to explain the specifics of what was needed to make this item and how it could explode if there was even one misstep.

"You should probably not worry about making this item in the future even if you have the ability and supplies. It certainly is strong, but not really worth the risk of early detonation. I imagine that this kid is doing this here to try and attract attention to himself, or possibly it was a request he is being well paid for." Melisandre said, speculating on the reasons this owl was making such a volatile item.

Still, Evelyn was impressed by this owl's power and control over his magical flames.

He had dark red plumage that was smattered with a few feathers that were orange. A clear indication to his affinity for fire

So far even though what he was trying to create often blew up in its creator's face, he had so far succeeded in keeping it stable. And from the brief overview Melisandre had given her, she knew that this owl was nearly seventy percent of the way done.

They continued watching the demonstration until its completion when the owl doing the demonstration successfully created the item that was none as a volcano sphere.

Slowly and carefully, he pulled it out of his cauldron with a large thread of pure magical energy and lifted it up so that everyone could see.

Looking at it, Evelyn compared it to an extra-large grapefruit since that was what it looked like, but there was no doubt that a great amount of flaming magical energy was stored inside.

'So, it is basically a magical grenade, but its force is closer to that of a high yield bomb.' Evelyn thought as she saw the thing.

Melisandre had told her that a good quality volcano sphere could create an explosion of fire that was around sixty-meters in diameter and had incredibly hot flames equal to that of a peak awakened beast or even some low-tier tyrant beasts.

Certainly, for the owl that just made it if he was keeping it for himself, it could make an excellent trump card, and she could see why some would want it even with how volatile it was.

'That was certainly something. It is the first time I have seen any sort of higher-level alchemy.' Evelyn thought as she looked on in awe.

The skill level she was currently at was about as basic as could be. All she could make was the lowest grade healing and magical energy replenishment items, and at only a twenty-percent success rate.

Still, even what she witnessed here was likely to pale in compassion to the skills that Melisandre had, and she was welling with anticipation to watch her master in action.

"Well that certainly was interesting. I imagine that he is going to have a bright future ahead of him as long as he does not meet and unfortunate end." Melisandre said casually.

Though hearing the words "unfortunate end" made Evelyn freeze up since Melisandre said it like it happened often.

"Oh, is something the matter?" She asked Evelyn seeing her suddenly stop moving.

"Oh, no nothing. Let us continue." Evelyn said not wanting to bother Melisandre.

The two of them continued on through the first floor of the alchemy hall and Melisandre pointed out a number of things to Evelyn.

"Now I think it is time we head on up. There is still a lot to show you." Melisandre said with a wry smile.

She was obviously looking forward to Evelyn's reaction as things escalated.

Going over to the back of the hall there were a number of lifts that would take anyone up to the next floor.

However, it was guarded by two peak awakened beasts that were giving off a menacing aura.

"Normally only owl that have at least reached the high tier of the awakened rank are allowed above. But there are exceptions, and since you are with me it will be fine." Melisandre explained to Evelyn to keep her from being surprised.

When they arrived, the guards did stop them for a moment, but when Melisandre still disguised as a peak awakened beast said that Evelyn was her disciple, she was allowed to head up towards the second floor where higher rank owls did their business.

Stepping out onto this floor, Evelyn immediately noticed that it was far less crowded, and the hustle and bustle was greatly diminished.

There were still over a thousand, maybe even two thousand owls here, but nothing compared to the floor below. josei

Evelyn herself received a number of glances, but Melisandre stuck close to her, so they all turned away once they understood what was going on.

"On this second floor you will find items that are aimed for the higher tiers of the awakened rank and a number of skilled alchemists sell their wares here. Now let us go and see what is going on." Melisandre said as she led the way.

She quickly led Evelyn to a stand that was being manned by a high tier awakened beast ranked owl.

'Wow that is a lot of items.' Evelyn thought seeing the fully stocked shelves with all manner of potions, pills, creams, and many other items.

There were no rare ingredients here, but a plethora of ready to use items all of which made the ones on the lower floor look paltry in comparison.

It showed the huge skill gap between those on the first and second floors.

"Those up here have been practicing alchemy for at least five years for the most part and have really honed their craft. You can tell by the price and quality of their items." Melisandre said as she pointed out a bottle holding five magical energy replenishment pills.

Unlike the ones on the level below these were worth several hundred of the Roost's credits and made Evelyn's eyes bulge.

"Would you like to buy something?" The owner of the stall said with a bright and cheery voice.

"Oh no sorry, I am just showing my disciple around. Sorry if it was any inconvenience." Melisandre said.

Lucky the stall owner was not bothered and even offered to help explain things to Evelyn, trying to be respectful since Even in her current guise Melisandre still was a higher rank.

"Okay let us head deeper in and see if we can find another live demonstration." Melisandre said with an excited expression.

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