An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068

“Rainbow Ganoderma?”

Upon hearing this, Dustin’s energy surged, and he raised his voice a few notches. “Where is it?!”

After much anticipation, he had finally pinpointed its location.

This elixir was crucial for concocting the Nine-Turn Life-Extending Pill.

“To be frank, it’s at Murong’s residence.”

Samuel Franklin elucidated, “The day after tomorrow is Murong Zhenguo’s birthday. Someone presented it to him alongside the seven-hued ganoderma as a birthday gift. Whether you can secure it, Mr. Dustin, is contingent on your own prowess.”

“Very well, if this intel holds, I’ll compensate you accordingly.” Chase Dustin was visibly thrilled.

He’d go to any lengths to obtain the whereabouts of the Rainbow Ganoderma.

“The reward is unnecessary. As per our prior accord, you owe me a favour. When I’m in a bind, I’ll turn to Mr. Dustin for help,” Samuel Franklin chuckled.

“As long as it doesn’t compromise my principles, it’s agreed,” Chase Dustin confirmed.

“Haha, Mr. Dustin, you’re a true sport. Good luck to you then.”


After a succinct exchange, the call was promptly terminated.

“Darling, I still have some matters to attend to. You head back to Panlong Villa for now. I’ll visit you another day.” Dustin rose from his seat, readying to depart.

“Sister Scarlet, are you facing trouble? Should I lend a hand?” Zhao Hongying inquired, her curiosity piqued.

“No, I can handle it solo. Go on, be a good girl.”

Dustin tenderly tousled Scarlet’s hair, then bid her farewell.

After leaving Rose Restaurant, he procured an extravagant gift and made his way straight to Murong’s residence.

General Murong Zhenguo was a seasoned warrior, having commanded on the battlefield. Although he’d retired, his standing in the military was no less than Paul Hill’s eminence in the underworld.

Both were figures of considerable influence, boasting disciples far and wide, and were held in high regard.

Their paths had crossed a decade ago, and their rapport had been amiable.

As a younger compatriot, Dustin had long contemplated paying him a visit, and now the occasion had presented itself.

One motive was to mark the birthday, and the other was to acquire Ganoderma lucidum.

Though it might seem abrupt, he cared little. The Rainbow Ganoderma held such paramount importance that he would not hesitate to make an impudent request.

Thirty minutes later, Dustin arrived at General Murong’s Manor.

Towering walls enclosed the estate, exuding an air of grandeur, gravity, and reverence.

Straight ahead, two vermilion-lacquered gates stood.

Flanking the gates were two imposing stone lions.

To the left and right of the gates stood two squads of heavily armed soldiers, each boasting a towering stature and keen gaze.

“Kindly announce that I seek an audience with General Murong.”

Dustin advanced, addressing the lead soldier.

“Do you have a calling card?” The soldier queried.

“I came in haste and was ill-prepared.” Dustin shook his head.

“Without a calling card, I’m afraid I can’t assist you.” The soldier regretfully declined.

“It’s possible to make an exception, isn’t it?” Dustin was somewhat reluctant to concede.

“This is protocol. Anyone who wishes to visit must first present a calling card and verify their identity. Only then might they have the chance to meet the old general.” The soldier’s countenance remained stoic.

Given the old general’s distinguished status, throngs flocked to his residence daily like fish in a stream. It would be sheer bedlam if everyone were granted an audience.

“Brother Dustin?”

Just then, several black vehicles suddenly pulled up at the gate.

The car doors swung open, and Murong Xue alighted first, followed by a group of young men and women. They were none other than Chu Jie, Liu Yannan, and their cohorts from their prior encounter.

“Brother Dustin, what brings you here?”

Murong Xue approached with unbridled delight, her countenance lit up with surprise.


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