An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1130

Chapter 1130

Chapter 1130

Chapter 1130

Murong Hai’s simple words carried an undeniable coercion.

Everyone was frightened and trembling with fear.

Their eyes unanimously looked at Murong Zhenguo.

As the person with the highest status and power here, the attitude of the old general determines the life and death of the entire family.

“Traitor! You killed your brothers, brought harm to the family, and were treasonous. Now you actually have the nerve to ask me for an explanation? Do you really regard yourself as a victim?!” Murong Zhenguo shouted in a deep voice.

He always felt that Murong Hai was his best successor.

With courage, strategy and a city mansion, he can completely lead the family to glory.

It’s a pity that the most outstanding son went astray in the end, making him at odds with the family.

While he was angry, he was also heartbroken.

“Father, you have to know that I was forced to do this by you. If you hadn’t forced my wife to death, how could I have embarked on this path today?” Murong Hai said calmly.

“That woman’s death is related to me, so what if it is really related? She deserves to die!” Murong Zhenguo said with a cold face.


Murong Hai laughed at himself: “My lord, she is your daughter-in-law, you actually think she deserves to die?”

“She is my daughter-in-law, but she is also a spy of the enemy country, and even more an enemy of our Dragon Kingdom!”

Murong Zhenguo shouted sternly: “Do you know that because of the existence of these spies, how many passionate men in our Dragon Kingdom have to die unjustly on the battlefield?!”

“She has repented, she has never harmed anyone, why? Why didn’t you give her a chance?!” Murong Hai became clearly agitated suddenly.

“She didn’t harm anyone else, but she harmed you!”

Murong Zhenguo slapped the table: “You could have had a great future, but look what you are like now? You are neither human nor ghost. You are simply a disgrace to the General’s Office!”

He can support Murong Hai’s pursuit of love, and he doesn’t even care about the right family.

Even if he is a beggar, as long as his son likes it, he can agree to it.

But only spies can’t.

“I don’t care about the future, I just want her by my side, I just want her alive!”

Murong Hai said angrily: “It was you – you forced her to death! It was you who killed my wife! Everything is your fault!”

“Beast! Don’t you understand yet? That woman has been hurting you. Even if she dies, she won’t let you go!”

Murong Zhenguo directly revealed the truth: “I wanted to kill her, but I didn’t force her to death. For your sake, I once gave her a chance to leave alive.

But this woman is insidious and vicious. In order to destroy you and kill the best heir to the general’s palace, she did not hesitate to use her life as bait to set a trap to drive a wedge between our father and son!

Now our father and son are at odds, it’s all because of that woman!

Wake up! Stop being stubborn! ”

Until now, he still has a glimmer of hope, hoping that his son will find his way back.

“Nonsense! You’re lying!”

Murong Hai seemed to have had his tail stepped on, and he became furious instantly: “Murong Zhenguo! You forced my wife to death, and now you are pouring dirty water on her. You are simply a beast!”

“Third brother! Dad didn’t lie, I can testify!”

Murong Cheng spoke again: “I know everything about what happened back then. Even though that woman was a spy, dad still let her live for your sake. But I didn’t expect that this woman would seek death on her own initiative in order to harm others. , It’s simply crazy!”

“Yes! We can all testify!”

At this moment, everyone in the Murong family agreed.

What happened back then was indeed a misunderstanding, or in other words, the woman planned her death to sow discord.

As a result, father and son are now at odds with each other.

“Shut up! Shut up, everyone!”

Murong Hai roared angrily, and his expression became particularly ferocious: “You are a nest of snakes and rats, of course you will help Murong Zhenguo speak for you! If you hadn’t forced me to do so, how could my wife be willing to leave me? You bunch of sanctimonious hypocrites , I will definitely make you pay the price today!”

As he spoke, he waved his hand: “Come here! Catch them all!”


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