An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1144

Chapter 1144

Chapter 1144

Chapter 1144


The Sky Sword turned into a black lightning, and after penetrating Watanabe Xiong’s chest, it returned to Lu Chen’s hands.

The blood slowly flowed down the blade, gathered at the tip of the sword, and then dripped to the ground, splashing with blood flowers.


Watanabe Yuo’s body trembled and he fell directly from the air, his knees hitting the ground heavily.

He froze in place in a kneeling posture.

The entire scene suddenly fell into dead silence.

All the sounds disappeared, and you could hear needle drops all around.

Whether it was the General’s Mansion, the guests, or the ninjas of the Golden Crow Nation, they were all stunned at this moment.

Shock was written all over their faces.

They never dreamed that Watanabe Xiong, the majestic swordsman of the Golden Crow Kingdom and a powerful god, would be pierced through the chest by Lu Chen’s sword.

The whole process was so unpredictable and without any warning that no one could react.

They saw a flash of black lightning, and then the majestic Watanabe Yuo knelt down.


Watanabe Xiong lowered his head, his face full of disbelief.

At this moment, he had a big bloody hole in his chest.

He could even see the scenery behind him through the hole, including Murong Zhenguo’s shocked old face.

This perspective is a bit strange and a bit scary.

“Why? Why can you… hurt me?”

Watanabe Xiong raised his head with difficulty and squeezed out a sentence in a hoarse voice.

Murong Zhenguo was seriously injured and had no fighting power. Normally, he should be invincible here.

He really didn’t expect that such a change would happen.

“Why? Go down and ask the Lord of Hell…”

Lu Chen didn’t say anything nonsense. He stepped forward, raised his hand and struck out with a sword, directly cutting off Watanabe Xiong’s head.


When Watanabe’s head fell off, everyone was like waking up from a dream, and an unprecedented sensation erupted.

“Dead…dead? Am I right? This kid actually killed Watanabe?!”

“My god! This is the sword master of the Golden Crow Kingdom, a top-notch martial arts master, so it’s too outrageous to kill him with just one sword strike?!”

“What’s the origin of this kid? He’s so scary? He’s just a monster!”

“Slaying the Sword Saint of the Golden Crow Kingdom with one sword, is this a human? When did such a monstrosity appear in our provincial capital?!”


After a brief silence, the entire scene exploded.

All of them looked at Chase Lu, as if they were looking at a monster, full of shock and horror.

Originally thought that the general’s mansion was about to face a catastrophe today, and they were even ready to run away.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, Lu Chen turned the tide and killed Watanabe with a sword.

For a while, they were a little overwhelmed.

Especially Chu Jie, Liu Yannan and the others looked in disbelief.

They really couldn’t accept that Lu Chen was so powerful.

Aren’t you a stinky dick selling insurance?

Isn’t he a small character with no identity or background?

Why? Why can he defeat the Juggernaut of the Golden Crow Kingdom?

Could it be that Lu Chen has been hiding it all this time?

What they saw before was just superficial? Just a disguise?

If this is the case, the consequences are a bit serious.

A strong man who can instantly kill the sword master of the Golden Crow Kingdom is admired by thousands of people and highly sought after wherever he goes.


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