An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1147

Chapter 1147

Chapter 1147

Chapter 1147


Murong Zhenguo sighed softly: “The more excellent a person is, the more arrogant he is. It is really difficult to redeem him. You have already made a choice between friends. He may not blame you, but he will never blame you.” It will go back to the past.”

“Ah? What should we do?” Murong Xue panicked.

“Let nature take its course. Time will smooth everything out. Maybe you will have a chance to meet again in the future.” Murong Zhenguo shook his head.

Even so, he knew in his heart that it would be difficult to recover from the overflowing water.

Once there is a rift in the relationship between the two parties, no matter how to repair it, the rift will not disappear.

After leaving the General’s Mansion, Chase Lu drove back to Fengyu Villa.

As soon as he entered the gate of the villa, he saw Lao Zhang running out in a panic.

While running, he shouted: “Master Lu! Something happened! Something big happened!”


Hearing this, Lu Chen immediately frowned: “Why are you so nervous? Tell me carefully.”

“Yes… the Hongying God of War has arrived!” Lao Zhang said with sweat on his head.

“What’s all the fuss about? It’s not like you’ve never seen it before, so what?” Lu Chen rolled his eyes.

After all, I have experienced some big winds and waves, so why can’t I be stable on this little thing?

Really useless!


“What else? Say it in one breath. Don’t act like you have never seen the world. It’s embarrassing!” Chase Lu said with some contempt.

“Not only is Hongying God of War, but Miss Cao is also here. The two of them have already met!” Lao Zhang said in surprise.


Lu Chen was startled and immediately lost his composure: “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“Isn’t that what I’m telling you?” Lao Zhang looked strange.

Wasn’t it tough just now? Who is embarrassed now?

“What happened? The two of them didn’t fight, did they?” Lu Chen quickly asked.

He knew Zhao Hongying’s temper very well. He would take action if he disagreed with her, and no one could stop her.

“I haven’t knocked him down, I just feel a little bit creepy.” Lao Zhang shrank his neck, a little scared.

“Where are they now?” Chase Lu asked again.

“The living room.” Old Zhang said truthfully.

“Go! Follow me to see!”

As Lu Chen said, he rushed to the living room in a hurry.

Lao Zhang had no choice but to keep up honestly.

At this moment, in the living room.

Concubine Cao Xuan sat on the main seat, drinking tea leisurely.

Zhao Hongying fell into the deputy position and was busy reading the military manual.

Some senior members of the Qilin Gang stood on both sides respectfully, not daring to take a breath.

The atmosphere in the entire hall seemed very depressing.

“Miss Zhao, I would like to ask you, how long have you known Lu Chen?” In the end, it was Concubine Cao Xuan who spoke first.

“We’ve known each other since childhood.” Zhao Hongying said coldly.

“Oh? So you are still childhood sweethearts?” Concubine Cao Xuan raised her eyebrows.

“Not only that, we still have an engagement.” Zhao Hongying was very calm.

“Engagement? Heh… What year is it? Is that kind of thing still useful?” Concubine Cao Xuan smiled.

“The family friends of the two families are married by fingertips, why is it useless?” Zhao Hongying glanced coldly.

“It’s just a facade, it’s nothing. The most important thing is, will Chen Lu agree?” Concubine Cao Xuan smiled.

“How do you know that brother Chen won’t agree?” Zhao Hongying asked back.

“Because I am Lu Chen’s woman.” Concubine Cao Xuan puffed her chest out.

Show your proud parts to the fullest.

“You are not worthy of him.” Zhao Hongying shook her head.

“Whether you deserve it or not is not up to you.” Concubine Cao Xuan curled her lips.

“I’m warning you, stay away from him, otherwise, I will kill you.” Zhao Hongying said coldly.

“Really? I don’t believe it.”

As soon as Concubine Cao Xuan finished speaking, she heard a “clang” sound, and a Qingfeng sword was already pressed against her throat.


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