An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1150

Chapter 1150

Chapter 1150

Chapter 1150

Lu Chen was a little amused: “Is this the kind of service you have at Tianxiang House? You ask us to change rooms for no reason, and you don’t even have a good face? What are you going to do? Are you trying to bully customers?”

If a few random people show up and they are forced to change rooms, how can they still eat the meal?

“Sir, what do you want?”

The female assistant manager was a little displeased: “What do you mean, do you want compensation? OK, as long as you agree to change rooms, I will personally pay for it and give you a free fruit plate. Is that okay with the head office?”

After saying that, he put on a very disgusted expression.

“First of all, I don’t want any compensation. Secondly, a fruit plate will send us away. What do you think of us? Beggars?” Lu Chen said with a cold face.

In restaurants, customers come first, but this woman in front of her didn’t take them seriously at all.

“Sir, you’d better not be messy. Our restaurant has restaurant rules. If you don’t like it, you can leave. I won’t force you!” The female deputy manager was very impatient.

Nowadays, the restaurant business is booming. One more person is not a big deal, and one less person is not a big deal.

Losing a few unscrupulous customers is nothing at all.

“Oh? You’re going to kick people out if you just say a few words, right? Your Tianxiang Tower is really quite majestic!”

While Lu Chen was talking, he pushed the female deputy manager away and walked straight into the third room of Tianzi. Then he sat down and said coldly: “I’m just sitting here eating today. I want to take a look, you guys?” Who can drive me away!”

“You…you are so unreasonable!”

The female deputy manager was a little angry: “We don’t welcome you in Tianxiang Building. I’m warning you to leave immediately, otherwise I will call the security guard!”

“Scream, you can scream, but I want to see how you can still do business after this matter becomes a big deal.” Lu Chen poured a cup of tea to himself.

“You trash, you really don’t have any shame, get out! Get out of here!”

The female deputy manager became angry and rushed forward to grab Lu Chen.

As a result, as soon as she raised her hand, she received a heavy slap on the face.


Concubine Cao Xuan slapped the female assistant manager so hard that she was completely stunned.

Covering his burning face, he didn’t react for a moment.

“Who do you think you are? How dare you shout here?”

Concubine Cao Xuan had a cold face and exuded a queen-like aura, which was extremely oppressive.

“You…you dare to hit me?”

The female deputy manager’s eyes widened and she couldn’t believe it.

Her boyfriend is the boss of Tianxiang Tower. He is not only rich and powerful, but also has a wide range of connections. He usually makes friends with high-ranking officials.

In this Tianxiang Tower, no one dared not give her face.

How dare you hit this woman in front of you?

How audacious!

“What’s wrong with hitting you? A dog’s eyes look down on people, so even a slap on your face is light!” Concubine Cao Xuan was not polite.

“You…you wait for me! I must make you pay the price!”

After the female deputy manager left her words, she was about to go out and call for someone.

As a result, Zhao Hongying made a sudden move, grabbed her by the neck, lifted it up easily, and asked very seriously: “Brother Chen, do you want me to kill her?”


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