An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1152

Chapter 1152

Chapter 1152

Chapter 1152

Lu Chen stood up slowly and raised his head.

However, when he saw Zhang Cuihua and his party, he couldn’t help but be slightly startled.

It’s really a narrow road between enemies, and we didn’t even meet each other during the meal.

“Another one?”

Looking at Li Qingyao at the door, Concubine Cao Xuan frowned subconsciously.

Zhao Hongying hasn’t been dealt with such a strong enemy yet, but now it’s good that Li Qingyao ran out again.

Is God deliberately trying to mess with her?

“Lu Chen? It’s you!”

Zhang Cuihua took a closer look, and her face instantly darkened: “Why are you here? Are you following us on purpose?”

“You are overthinking, we are just here to eat.” Lu Chen said calmly.

“Eat? Humph! Who knows whether what you said is true or false?”

Zhang Cuihua said with a suspicious look on her face: “In my opinion, you knew that we were prosperous, so you deliberately pretended to meet us by chance, and then looked for opportunities to curry favor with us. I have seen many people like you!”

“That’s right!”

Tan Hong raised her head and said arrogantly: “The surname is Lu! I warn you to stay away from us. Our current status is not something you can reach!”

“Whatever your identity is, it has nothing to do with me. If nothing happens, please leave and don’t disturb our meal.” Lu Chen directly issued an eviction order.

“Bah! This is obviously Aunt Zhang’s room, but you are occupying it maliciously!” Liu Fang shouted with an expression of anger.

“Did you hear that? This is the room we booked. If you want to leave, it’s up to you to leave!”

Zhang Cuihua said proudly: “Now, I order you to disappear from my eyes immediately!”

“Disappear now!”

Tan Hong stared.

“First of all, we book the room first, there is no occupation. Also, who do you think you are? Why are you ordering me?” Lu Chen asked coldly.

Anyway, the two sides have broken off their friendship, and he has nothing to be polite about.

“You are presumptuous!”

Zhang Cuihua glared and shouted: “Lu! How dare you talk to me like this? Do you believe it or not, I can take you all to jail with just one order!”

With the support of Prince Mu’s Mansion, they can run wild and no one dares to stop them.

“Really? I don’t believe it.” Lu Chen shook his head.


Zhang Cuihua was about to have a seizure, but Li Qingyao raised her hand to stop her. She looked at Lu Chen and said calmly: “Lu Chen, I want to meet an important guest here. I hope you can give up the room to make up for it. Consumption is all paid by me.”

Before Lu Chen could speak, Concubine Cao Xuan stood up and said with a smile: “Director Li is indeed very wealthy. Unfortunately, we don’t need him. You’d better invite him back.”


Li Qingyao twisted her eyebrows, looked directly at Concubine Cao Xuan, and said coldly: “Miss Cao, right? Please make it clear that you are occupying the magpie’s nest. I have politely asked you to leave. I hope you will Don’t push yourself too far!”

“Hehehe…Is Mr. Li threatening me?”

Concubine Cao Xuan covered her mouth and chuckled, then her face suddenly turned cold: “What if I have to push the envelope?”

As soon as these words came out, Li Qingyao’s pretty face immediately turned cold.

She didn’t say a word, but stared straight at Concubine Cao Xuan, and Concubine Cao Xuan didn’t dare to look at her weakly.

The two women’s sharp eyes collided in the air, neither letting the other go.

That powerful aura makes people shudder.

The atmosphere of the entire scene instantly became tense.


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