An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1181

Chapter 1181

Chapter 1181

Chapter 1181

“Holy shit! Is this guy crazy? How dare he talk to Yang Jie like this?”

“This kid is so crazy and doesn’t realize the seriousness of the problem.”

“A warrior from a small sect actually dares to call Ban Zhenhun the leader of the Soul Sect? He is simply asking for death!”


Lu Chen’s words caused a commotion all around.

The warriors were pointing and talking, all looking like idiots.

In front of a master like Yang Jie, wouldn’t it be okay if he just surrendered?

Kowtow a few times and say a few nice words, although it is a bit embarrassing, at least you can save your life.

It’s better now. You know you can’t beat him, but you still provoke him head-on. Isn’t this pure cerebral palsy?

“What’s going on in this guy’s head?”

Zuo Xinyue frowned slightly.

She actually didn’t want to make the matter a big deal, but Lu Chen’s words just now undoubtedly escalated the conflict completely.

Now it is no longer about her, but about the reputation and dignity of the Soul Sect.

“Senior Brother Lu! He is the leader of the Soul-Suppressing Sect. We cannot afford to offend him. We must apologize to him quickly, otherwise a disaster will soon follow!”

Lin Rong was anxious and quickly persuaded in a low voice.

Zuo Xinyue alone was already someone they couldn’t afford to offend, and now adding the more powerful Yang Jie, it was even worse.

“Boy, what did you just say? I didn’t hear it clearly. Can you say it again if you have the guts?”

Yang Jie squinted his eyes and his face became extremely gloomy.

Since he became famous, no one has dared to look down on him.

“Didn’t hear you clearly? Okay, I’ll meet your needs.”

Lu Chen said calmly: “I said, even your master Zhao Hongxiang doesn’t dare to talk to me like this, so who do you think you are?”

As soon as these words came out, Lin Rong’s face instantly turned pale.

It’s over, it’s really over now.

There is no room left.

“Hey! Are you crazy? Are you going to kill us?”

At this moment, even Tao Yang, who was very conceited, was frightened.

Since just after the First World War, he has recognized the reality and realized the gap between the big sect and the small sect.

“I don’t shed tears when I don’t see the coffin.”

Zuo Xinyue shook her head.

She knew in her heart that Lu Chen’s words not only humiliated Yang Jie, but also completely angered the entire Soul Resurrection Sect.

“Boy! You are looking for death!”

The harsh words made Yang Jie finally unable to bear it any longer.

He only saw his footsteps kicking, and his whole body pounced forward like a tiger.

He wanted to tear the kid in front of him into pieces with both hands!

Faced with the surprise attack, Lu Chen remained motionless and just flicked his finger.

“call out!”

A silver needle shot out.

During the sprint, Yang Jie felt his knees go numb, and his body suddenly fell to the ground uncontrollably. He fell to pieces on the spot.

Looking extremely embarrassed.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned and a little unresponsive.

No one expected that the dignified leader of the Soul Resurrection Sect, a top expert among the younger generation, would suddenly fall in front of everyone’s attention.

This level of embarrassment is no less than defecating in public, and it’s the kind of thing where you don’t bring any paper.

It’s so embarrassing.

“Senior Brother Yang, where are you making such a fuss?”

The corners of Zuo Xinyue’s mouth twitched, with a strange look on his face.

Yang Jie got up in despair, took a closer look, and found that there was an extra silver needle at his knee.


Yang Jie pulled out the silver needle and crushed it into powder. His whole face was distorted and he looked at Lu Chen fiercely: “How dare you cheat on me?!”

“If you come again, I won’t be polite.” Lu Chen said calmly.

“Bullshit! You are dead! I will cut you into pieces!”

Yang Jie shouted angrily: “Come here! Where can I get my gun!”


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