An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1204

Chapter 1204

Chapter 1204

Chapter 1204

If Lei Wanjun died, he would be next.

“Hmph! With the support of the Zhenwu Division, what can you do no matter how powerful you are? In the end, don’t you have to be obedient?” Lei Qianzhong showed a smile again.

He just thought that the Lei family was going to be doomed, but fortunately Wu Hongda took action in time to turn the tide.

“It’s a pity, it’s only a little bit close.”

Chen Yuanwei shook his head and sighed softly, feeling very regretful.

If it hadn’t been for Wu Hongda’s incident, today would have been a complete success.

“As expected of Zhenwu Si, he was able to intimidate Lu Chen with just a few words.”

“Hmph, in front of Zhen Wusi, the king of heaven and I have to bow their heads!”

Many warriors in the audience were relieved.

Although he could not accept Lei Wanjun’s defeat, the result in front of him was not too bad, at least he saved his life.

After all, no one would be stupid enough to go against Zhenwu Si.

“Lu Chen, I admit that you are powerful and skillful, but unfortunately, you still can’t kill me. As long as I don’t die, it’s not a defeat.”

Lei Wanjun braced himself to stand up, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth: “Besides, let me tell you another secret, I have already touched the threshold of a great master, and within three months, I will be able to break through smoothly. , you will be the fish on my chopping board!”

“How are you? Are you angry? Are you scared? Are you powerless? But what can you do except wait for death?”

“I am now a member of the Zhenwu Division, and I am someone you cannot afford to offend.”

“If you dare to act recklessly, not only you, but also your family and friends will suffer together!”

“Accept your fate, you can’t get revenge, and you can’t change the outcome. You will always be stepped on by me!”

By the end of the story, he changed his humble and cowardly attitude and became bold and high- spirited again.

With the Zhenwu Division as his backer, he has no fear and is sure of victory.

After passing this hurdle, he would take back today’s humiliation and hatred from Chase Lu tenfold and a hundredfold!

“Lu Chen! I order you to step back immediately!”

Wu Hongda spoke loudly, aggressively.

“Did you hear that? Get out of here, Zhenwu Si, you can’t afford to offend me!” Lei Wanjun sneered.

“Lei Wanjun, you are too complacent. Do you really think Wu Hongda can save you?” Lu Chen asked coldly.

“What? You still dare to kill me? Do you know how many people will die with this sword? How many innocent people will be buried with you? Young man, before you do anything, use your brain first, don’t Hurt self and others!”

Lei Wanjun hooked the corner of his mouth, looking like I’m sure of you.

No matter how powerful Lu Chen is, he is still just one person.

As long as you are human, you will have weaknesses and concerns.

So he was sure that Lu Chen didn’t dare to take action.

“Lu Chen, let me count to three. If you don’t retreat, you will openly oppose the Zhenwu Division!” Wu Hongda issued a final warning.

“Beast! Put down your weapons quickly, otherwise – you will be the public enemy of martial arts!”

Lei Qianzhong led a group of Martial Alliance disciples and quickly surrounded the arena.

“One characteristic of my person is that I never look back after breaking through the wall.”

Lu Chen said lightly: “I am sure to kill Lei Wanjun, and no one can stop him, even if it is against Zhen Wusi, even if it is against the entire martial arts forest, even if he is crushed to pieces in the end, I will not hesitate. !”

The words fell.

The Cangqiong Sword was raised high, and then he slashed down hard, directly cutting off Lei Wanjun’s head.


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