An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1206

Chapter 1206

Chapter 1206

Chapter 1206

At this moment, more and more sects joined the encirclement and suppression army.

Looking around, there are crowds of people, and it is dark.

The entire arena has been completely blocked.

For a while, Lu Chen completely became a public enemy of martial arts, and became a traitor that everyone crusaded against.

Lei Wanjun has been the leader of the martial arts alliance for many years. He is highly respected and has many followers.

Being killed now naturally arouses anger.

Of course, the most important reason is that Zhenwu Si has issued an order and listed Chen Lu as a prohibited person.

Publicly and privately, they had to attack Lu Chen.

This is the general trend.

“Lu Chen! You are lawless and have committed a heinous crime. You will be arrested immediately, and you will go to Zhenwu Division for trial! Otherwise, you will be killed on the spot!” Wu Hongda yelled angrily.

To dare to kill in front of him is simply a naked humiliation.

“This is a personal feud between me and Lei Wanjun. You’d better not meddle in other people’s business, otherwise, don’t blame me for being ruthless with my sword.”

Lu Chen stood proudly on the ring, slowly raised the sky sword, and shot around with sharp eyes, without any fear.

He is using his own power to openly fight against the entire Jiangnan martial arts world.

“Hmph! I think you won’t shed tears until you see the coffin!”

“All warriors obey the order, and those who kill this thief will be rewarded heavily by Zhenwusi!”

Wu Hongda stopped talking nonsense and directly issued a kill order.


There was an earth-shattering cry of killing, and under the heavy reward, thousands of warriors swarmed up like a swarm of bees.

Vast and powerful.


At this time, a black sword light suddenly cut out horizontally, like a huge sickle, slamming heavily on the edge of the ring.


There was a loud bang.

A long and deep sword mark was cut directly into the solid arena.

The sword mark was about half a meter deep and more than twenty meters long. It was blocked in front of everyone in the shape of a “one”, like an insurmountable chasm.

“Anyone who crosses this line – kill!”

Lu Chen spat out a few words coldly.

The first sword is a warning. If anyone dares to rush forward without fear of death, he will never show mercy.


Seeing the terrifying sword marks in front of them, the warriors were immediately shocked.

For a moment, he cowered and didn’t dare to step forward at all.

The blood just surged up, and there was no time to think. When someone shouted, he rushed forward regardless.

After calming down for a while, they suddenly realized how scary Lu Chen was.

The person in front of him was a powerful being who had defeated the leader of the martial arts alliance.

Isn’t it just asking for death if I just push it up like this?

“What are you doing standing still? Come together! Kill him!” Wu Hongda shouted from behind.

Fighting alone, no one present is Lu Chen’s opponent.

But they can use the human sea tactic to consume them. As the saying goes, if many ants kill an elephant, as long as Lu Chen’s internal energy is exhausted, the opponent will only die.

“Your Qingyang Sect is powerful, you go first.”

“I think you Tianhemen are more brave, everyone is strong and strong, and one is worth a hundred.”

“Isn’t Hayate Hall claimed to have unparalleled physical skills? Come up and test it out.”

“Oh, by the way, didn’t you monks in the Great Compassion Temple practice the Golden Bell Shield? You might as well take the lead for everyone.”

“Amitabha, monks do not kill.”


The power of Lu Chen’s sword made the warriors of the various sects hesitate, fearful, and even forced to be humble.

No one dared to step forward.


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