An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1211

Chapter 1211

Chapter 1211

Chapter 1211

Because of the appearance of the drunkard, the situation at the scene took a shocking turn.

One second, Lu Chen was a public enemy of the martial arts world. The next second, he was directly elected as the leader of the martial arts alliance, attracting the worship of thousands of people.

The limelight lasted for a while.

Looking at the warriors saluting respectfully in the audience, Lu Chen had an expressionless face and cold eyes.

There was no excitement, no excitement, just almost ridiculous irony.

Except for some warriors with a sense of justice, most of the people present were just outsiders, falling on both sides.

Before, he was shouting to fight and kill, but now he is passionate. The change before and after is really laughable.

As for the leader of the martial arts alliance, he has no interest at all.

He challenged Lei Wanjun purely for revenge and to seek justice.

“My abilities are limited, and I cannot afford the position of leader of the Jiangnan Wulin Alliance. You can find someone else.” Lu Chen said loudly and refused directly.


Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

No one expected that Lu Chen would say such a thing.

Are you kidding me?

Being the leader of the martial arts alliance is an honor coveted by countless people, and it is also the highest pursuit of all warriors.

It not only represents status, but also supreme power.

Looking at the entire martial arts world, there are countless sect leaders and martial arts masters who are coveting this supreme position.

But Lu Chen was lucky. Not only did he not appreciate the pie in the sky, he even refused it outright.

Isn’t this a brain problem? !

“Grandmaster Lu, looking at the entire Jiangnan, only you can hold the honor of being the leader of the martial arts alliance.” Chen Yuanwei was a little surprised.

Isn’t publicly challenging Lei Wanjun just for fame and power?

As long as you become the leader of the martial arts alliance, you will be the supreme leader who responds to all calls. What do you want?

“Yes, Grandmaster Lu, you are the leader among our younger generation. We are all convinced to have you as the leader of the martial arts alliance!” Zuo Xinyue followed suit.

She admired Lu Chen very much, so she really hoped that he would aspire to the supreme position.

But right now, it’s only half a step away.

As long as Lu Chen is willing to lift his legs a little, he can directly reach the top and be admired by thousands of people.

Why not?

“I appreciate your kindness, but I have no interest in the martial arts leader.”

Lu Chen shook his head slightly and looked at Chen Yuanwei: “Deputy leader Chen is powerful and has outstanding prestige. He is more suitable than me. The position of leader of the martial arts alliance is best suited to you.”


Hearing this, Chen Yuanwei couldn’t help showing an embarrassed expression, but actually he was secretly happy inside.

He naturally coveted the position of alliance leader, but Lu Chen’s performance just now was really amazing, and he had such a great master as a drunkard as his backer.

Even though he has huge ambitions, he does not dare to compete for the leadership of the martial arts alliance.

So he simply did a favor and took the initiative to recommend Lu Chen.

I just didn’t expect that the other party would actually refuse.

What a surprise.

“Little guy, the title of leader of the martial arts alliance is somewhat useful. Do you really want to consider it?” the drunkard asked with a yawn.

“Don’t think about it, I don’t have time to care about the affairs of the world.”

Lu Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense and began to search around Lei Wanjun’s body, and soon found a golden bead.

Astonishingly, it is the holy object of martial arts – Tian Lingzhu!

Lu Chen would naturally not miss such a top-quality treasure that can increase the speed of cultivation.

With the Tian Lingzhu, I believe it won’t be long before he can truly break through to the Grand Master level.

At that time, he can carry out his revenge plan.

“Oh? You actually have such a treasure hidden?”

Seeing this scene, the drunkard couldn’t help but look surprised.


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