An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1213

Chapter 1213

Chapter 1213

Chapter 1213

“Boy, how are you? I just came in time, right?”

On the way back to the car, the drunkard was holding a wine bottle, crossing his legs and drinking wine happily.

“If you don’t come, they can’t do anything to me.” Lu Chen shrugged.

“Come on, what are you pretending to be in front of me?”

The drunkard looked up and down, curled his lips and said: “You used the Lu family’s secret method to forcefully break through the situation. Now the time limit has expired and it is about to be backlashed. If I don’t show up, you will probably have to explain it here today.”

Although the Lu family’s secret method can break through the realm, the cost is also huge.

On the one hand, it consumes vitality; on the other hand, after using it, the body will become extremely weak.

If the enemy seizes the opportunity at this time, his life may be at risk.

“Old man, you have good eyesight.”

Lu Chen smiled, no longer hiding it, and directly pulled out the silver needle on the back of his head.

For a moment, his whole body seemed to be deflated, and his energy and energy were directly drained.

The originally powerful aura plummeted and became extremely weak.


Lu Chen was breathing heavily, with big beads of sweat pouring out.

His previously rosy complexion became as pale as paper, his eyes were bloodshot, and his limbs were even more sore and weak.

As if exhausted.

As Jiu Kuang said, although the Lu family’s secret method can forcibly increase strength, it has serious side effects.

If it wasn’t for killing Lei Wanjun, he wouldn’t use it easily.

“Come, drink some wine to replenish your body.”

The drunkard handed over the flagon in his hand.

Lu Chen was also polite, and took a sip directly.

The strong wine entered the throat, exuding a trace of fire, which nourished the already weak body to a certain extent.

Obviously, the wine has been spiked.

“Boy, I have something to tell you.”

The drunkard yawned, half-lying on the seat, and said lazily: “I have an old friend who encountered a little trouble. I have to leave for a while.”

“Leave? Where to go?” Lu Chen was a little strange.

“Yanjing.” Jiu Guang spat out two words.

“Yanjing?” Lu Chen frowned slightly: “Old drunkard, you have a sensitive identity. If you go to that place, I’m afraid there will be some trouble.”

Although what happened ten years ago has been settled, the old enemies are still there.

If a drunkard exposes his identity, he will inevitably be plotted against.

“Boy, when have I, Kuang Nansheng, ever been afraid of trouble? You underestimate me too much.” The drunkard said nonchalantly.

“When do you plan to leave?” Lu Chen asked again.

“Sooner rather than later, I’m leaving today.” Jiu Kuang said calmly.

“So anxious?” Lu Chen frowned.

“Human life is at stake, there is no hurry.”

The drunkard stretched his body, then seemed to think of something, and suddenly took out a medicine bottle from his body, handed it to Lu Chen, and said: “Tomorrow is your birthday, well, this baby is my birthday gift to you.” Gift.”

“Oh? When did you become so polite?” Lu Chen was quite surprised.

“When I leave, I don’t know when I will come back. I have to leave something for you kid.” Jiu Kuang said.

“What’s in it?” Lu Chen was a little curious.

Half of his medical skills come from being a drunkard, and the other half comes from studying various ancient books.

“This thing is called Dragon Spirit Tiger Pill. It is my exclusive secret recipe. It can enhance the ability in that area and restore men’s glory. The effect is excellent and unparalleled in the world!” The drunkard looked proud.

“No, why did you give me this thing?” Lu Chen was startled.

I thought it was some kind of panacea, but after working on it for a long time, it turned out to be an aphrodisiac.

“I see that your kid has been married for several years and there has been no movement. It must be that he is not good at that. This baby is just right for you.” The drunkard said seriously.


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