An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1217

Chapter 1217

Chapter 1217

Chapter 1217

For Cao Jun, he has lost his son and can no longer ruin his daughter’s future and happiness.

So even if he is a villain, even if his brothers turn against each other, he will not hesitate.

“Dad! You are indeed born to do great things!”

Seeing his father’s agreement, Cao Zhiyuan couldn’t help but look happy: “I believe that as long as we, father and daughter, work together, any difficulty can be solved!”

As long as you convince your father, everything will be easy.

“Zhiyuan, I agree with your plan, but the bottom line is that your third uncle’s life cannot be hurt.” Cao Jun warned seriously.

“Dad, don’t worry, I’m just here to hide the treasure map. If the third uncle can hand it over in time, I will definitely not really hurt him.” Cao Zhiyuan immediately promised.

Of course, if she refuses to pay, don’t blame her for being cruel.

“Very well, I feel relieved with your words.”

Cao Jun nodded and continued: “However, there is still a problem now. There are masters secretly protecting your third uncle. With our current strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to succeed.”

If he has enough time, he can also recruit some martial arts masters from outside to do things.

But it’s obviously too late now.

“Dad, I think of someone who should be able to help us.” Cao Zhiyuan suddenly said.

“Oh? Who is it?” Cao Jun was curious.

“Shangguan Xingwang!” Cao Zhiyuan raised the corner of her mouth.

“Shangguan Xingwang? Isn’t he just a second-generation ancestor? How can he help us?” Cao Jun frowned slightly.

Although Shangguan Xingwang is Shangguan Hong’s younger brother, Shangguan Xingwang is far behind Shangguan Hong in terms of personal ability and status.

The two brothers are completely different.

“Dad, you underestimated him.”

Cao Zhiyuan shook his head: “Although Shangguan Xing is not as prosperous as Shangguan Hong, he is also quite well-connected. Not only does he know many martial arts masters, but he also has a group of people in the world under him. If we can get his help, kidnapping Cao Guan will not be a problem at all. !”

“What are you going to do?” Cao Jun asked tentatively.

“The secret must not be revealed.”

Cao Zhiyuan smiled mysteriously: “Dad, you go to the living room to rest for a while. I’ll be back soon.”

After the words fell, she left quickly.

After a stick of incense.

Holding a bowl of hot dumplings, Cao Zhiyuan knocked on the door of Shangguan Xingwang’s room.

“Sister-in-law, why are you here?”

Shangguan Xingwang opened the door and looked, his eyes lit up immediately.

Cao Zhiyuan is very beautiful. She has inherited the excellent genes of the Cao family, so both her appearance and figure are top-notch.

For men who are full of vigor and blood, it is definitely a great temptation.

“Xingwang, I heard that you were injured yesterday, so I came here to take a look.”

Cao Zhiyuan smiled charmingly, took the initiative to walk into the room, and put the bowls and chopsticks on the table: “Looking at you, you must be hungry, right? Here, these are dumplings cooked by my sister-in-law. You can try them.”

“Really? Then I really want to taste it.”

Shangguan Xingwang smiled, sat down immediately, and began to wolf down.

While eating dumplings, he stared at his sister-in-law.

His hot gaze glanced back and forth on Cao Zhiyuan’s sexy figure, looking very greedy.

“How is the taste?”

As if Cao Zhiyuan didn’t notice it, she intentionally sat beside Shangguan Xingwang, her smile became even more charming.

“It’s delicious! The dumplings made by my sister-in-law are really delicious!”

Shangguan Xingwang nodded repeatedly, his face full of desire.

Because it was too close, he could clearly smell the fragrance of Cao Zhiyuan, which was simply intoxicating.

“As long as you like it, my sister-in-law will make it for you later when I have time.” Cao Zhiyuan said with a smile.

“Thank you sister-in-law!”

Shangguan Xingwang swallowed, his eyes glowing.


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