An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1231

Chapter 1231

Chapter 1231

Chapter 1231


The sharp dagger penetrated from the back and came out from the chest.

The tip of the knife that popped out was stained with a coquettish red color.


Cao Guan’s body trembled, his expression frozen.

He subconsciously looked down and saw the tip of the knife piercing his heart, slowly dripping with blood.


The sudden scene made everyone stunned.

No one expected that Shangguan Xingwang would suddenly assassinate him and kill him with one blow.

Isn’t it said that one life is exchanged for another?

Isn’t this guy doing a great job?

”Uncle Cao?”

Lu Chen was also stunned, a little unexpected.

His attention just now was on Shangguan Hong and Cao Zhiyuan. He really didn’t expect that Shangguan Xingwang, who was a hostage, would actually make such a move.

”Lu, Lu Chen…my daughter…I will leave it to you from now on…”

After Cao Guan uttered a sentence with difficulty, his head slowly dropped and he completely lost his breath.

”Death is a relief.”

Seeing this scene, Cao Zhiyuan looked indifferent and unmoved.

”The third child…”

Among the crowd, Cao Jun showed pain.

No matter what, the two of them are brothers. They grew up together and carried the Ding family together.

Now that Cao Guan was killed, he felt somewhat uncomfortable.

However, he dared not speak out in anger because he could not afford to offend the murderer.

”Old thing! Go to hell!”

Shangguan Xingwang grinned, pulled out the bloody knife, and kicked Cao Guan on the back.


Cao Guan’s body was thrown high, and after flying a few meters away, it just landed at Lu Chen’s feet.

”Cao… Uncle Cao?”

Lu Chen squatted down, reached out to feel Cao Guan’s pulse, and his fingertips began to tremble.


Originally, Cao Guan was seriously injured, and his vitality was about to be exhausted, but now he suffered a fatal blow, and even the gods could not save him.

”Little smash! You didn’t expect that, did you? If you dare to go against me, this is what you will end up with!”

After killing the people, Shangguan Xingwang said proudly: “In addition, I will tell you another cruel thing. Not only will I kill all your relatives and friends, I will also humiliate your woman!

I want to torture her in front of you, making her life worse than death!

How about it? Are you angry? Do you really want to kill me?

It’s a pity that you have no chance. From the moment you let me go, you are destined to die without a burial place!

Of course, I will not let you die too cheaply, I want you to experience all kinds of punishments, I want you to suffer humiliation, I want you to live and die!

This – this is the price you pay for offending me!


By the end of the sentence, Shangguan Xingwang was laughing wildly.

A martial artist in the rivers and lakes dared to challenge him, it was like a fly shaking a tree.

”Shang. Official. Prosper. Prosper!”

Lu Chen got up slowly, paused every word, his eyes were about to burst.

In those scarlet eyes, there is endless murderous intent and violence.

His hair stood upright and his clothes moved freely without wind.

A monstrous evil spirit gushed out from within his body, heading straight into the sky.

Everyone felt their bodies sank, as if a boulder was pressed against their chests, and even breathing became difficult.

An indescribable feeling of palpitations suddenly came over me.

It seems that there is a huge crisis brewing rapidly.

”Shangguan Xingwang! I will cut you into pieces!”

Lu Chen was so angry that he suddenly ejected and rushed forward like a ferocious beast.

”Shoot! Shoot!”


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