An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 1234

Chapter 1234

Chapter 1234

Chapter 1234

what is it today?

Lu Chen, a stupid young man who is not afraid of death, openly challenges the authority of the Shangguan family, but now a group of gangsters have appeared, showing off their power here, it is simply lawless!

”Listen up, Shangguan family, let Miss Cao go immediately, otherwise we will fight to the death today!”

Lao Zhang led many Qilin Gang disciples, stepped forward aggressively, and began to confront Shangguan’s soldiers.

”The fish is dead and the net is broken? Are you worthy of it?”

Shangguan Hong’s eyes were very disdainful.

In his eyes, the Qilin Gang is just a bunch of rabble.

As soon as the army arrives, it can be easily slaughtered.

”Lu Chen! You are so naive. Do you think you can call Banguan’s family just by relying on these little minions? What a fool’s dream!” Cao Zhiyuan sneered.

Although the Qilin Gang is quite powerful, in front of the Shangguan family, they are just a bunch of chickens and dogs, and they will be broken into pieces at a touch.

”If the Qilin Gang can’t do it, what about our Yaowang Valley?”

At this time, a loud voice suddenly sounded at the door.

Immediately afterwards, an immortal old man walked in leisurely with a group of extraordinary people.

These people are over fifty years old and are wearing long robes. Although they do not have an imposing aura, they are as thick as mountains and stand tall as mountains.

No one dares to have the slightest contempt.

The visitors were Qiao Antai, the master of Yaowang Valley, and a group of elders and deacons.

”It’s strange, why did you even come to Yaowang Valley?”

”Yao Wang Valley has always ignored secular affairs and never participated in disputes. What happened today? All the top officials were dispatched, and even the Medicine King, who has always been invisible to the dragon, showed up.”

”I have a bad feeling that something big will happen today!”


Because of the appearance of everyone from Yaowang Valley, the whole place couldn’t help but become commotion.

You know, Yaowang Valley is an otherworldly existence in the entire Jiangnan.

He seems to be powerless, but in fact he has a wide network of contacts and has close contacts with all major forces.

People will get sick sometimes, and once they are seriously ill, they have to seek help from Yaowanggu.

Over the years, the influence of Yaowang Valley is no worse than that of San Jueding.

It’s just that Yaowang Valley has always been in a neutral position, and now it suddenly appears, which has to arouse speculation.

”Elder Lu, today I led the crowd to Fengyu Villa to celebrate your birthday. I didn’t expect you to come here. I shouldn’t have missed anything, right?” Qiao Antai walked forward with a smile.

”You came just in time.” Lu Chen nodded slightly.

”Senior Medicine King, what do you mean? Do you want to help Lu Chen and go against our Shangguan family?” Cao Zhiyuan asked coldly.

If it were just the Qilin Gang, the Shangguan family could easily crush it, but if the Yaowang Valley was added to it, it would be a bit troublesome.

After all, the influence of Yaowang Valley is too great. Once they break up, they will inevitably be criticized verbally and writtenly.

”Lu Chen is the elder of our Medicine King Valley. If he is in danger, we, the Medicine King Valley, naturally cannot sit idly by and ignore it.” Qiao Antai said calmly.

”Elder of Yaowang Valley?” Cao Zhiyuan frowned slightly.

She didn’t expect Lu Chen to have such an identity, no wonder he dared to be so arrogant.

”General Huwei, today is a happy day. It’s not appropriate to make things too tense. Let’s let Miss Cao go. Wouldn’t it be nice if we don’t offend each other?” Qiao Antai spoke again.

”Valley Master Qiao, it’s not your turn to dictate my affairs.”

Shangguan Hong said indifferently: “Lu Chen killed my brother and openly challenged the dignity of the Shangguan family. I have already said that he will die today and no one can save him, including


He hasn’t paid much attention to the mere Yaowang Valley.

”General Huwei, don’t do anything too extreme, otherwise you will easily get burned.” Qiao Antai said meaningfully.

”Burning yourself on fire? Do you, Yaowang Valley, have this strength?”

Shangguan Hong snorted coldly: “Get out of here before I get angry, otherwise don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

”Shangguan Hong! You are such a powerful official! I would like to see how you become so heartless!”

Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded at the door.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man with an imposing appearance walked in aggressively with a team of personal guards.

This person is actually the governor of a province, Xia Yongkang!


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